Study on Flora, Vegetation Structure and Chorology of Plants in Some Parts of Protected Area of Oshtorankooh, Lorestan Province
Subject Areas : environmental management
Sara Abasi
maryam behdarvand
Habib Zare
Babak Pilehvar
Seyed Mohsen Hosseini
1 - PH.D. Student of Environment Sciences, Faculty of Energy and Environment, Science and Research
University of Tehran.
2 - Member of Science Board, Mazandaran Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Herbarium of
North( Nowshahr
3 - Member of Science Board, Mazandaran Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Herbarium of
North( Nowshahr)
4 - Scientific member of department forestry,Faculty of Agriculture.University of Lorestan.
5 - Prof. Faculty of Natural Resources. University of Tarbiat Modares
Keywords: Floristic, Vegetation Structure, Chorology, Protection area of Oshtorankoo,
Abstract :
Plantation area of Zagros in west Iran is amongst the richest and most valuable interconnectedecosystems in Iran which contains enormous genetic and plant resources and it is of the significantimportance in terms of diversity and combination of floristic. The Protection area of Oshtorankooh inLorestan province is considered as one of the distinguished ecosystems of this area. For this reason,this study addresses the introduction of Floristic, and Chorology investigation and examination ofVegetation Structure of the plants in a certain part of central Zagros mountain slopes located atOshtorankooh, Lorestan. The results of this study include identification of 62 species related to 24families within area of just 50 hectares, located at 1600-1800 Meters altitude in Proteced area ofOshtorankooh. Asteraceae, Papilionaceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Liliaceae and Apiaceae andthey are the most important available families of this region and comprise70%of overall species.Hemicryptophytes (32%) and Therophytes (31%) are the dominant biological forms. Chorologicinvestigation of the species and extraction of Chorotypes showed that Irano-Turanian (39%), Irano-Turanian–Mediterranean (22%) and Irano-Turanian–Mediterranean–Siberian European (17%)growing elements are the most important available chorological groups of this area and other plantcombination is related to Caro-types which are found in two or several regions and stand in the lowerorders of importance. In addition, endemically, 10 species, namely 16% of them are special andendemic within territory of Iran which comprises 0.6 % of overall endemic species of Iran.
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