Heavy Metals (Ni, Pb, Cd, & Cu) Concentrations in Barbus grypus and Sediments from Arvand River
Subject Areas : environmental managementNeda Kheirvar 1 * , Ali Dadolahi Sohrab 2
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Keywords: Heavy metal, Sediments, Barbus grypus, Arvand River,
Abstract :
This assessment of heavy metals contamination was made in Arvand River based on fish (Barbus grypus) and sediments which were collected during 2007 in two seasons (winter and spring). In total, 64 fish samples were taken from 4 sites and experiments were carried out on two kinds of fish tissues (muscle and gill). In order to digest fish tissues, Nitric Acid was used and for sedimentations, mixture of Nitric Acid and HCl was used and concentration of metals was determined by aspiring the samples into an Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). During this study, metals concentrations showed 0.77, 16.42, 2.83 and 2.98 µ g g-1 dry wt in muscle tissue and 1.52, 9.03, 2.79 and 6.97 µ g g-1 dry wt in gill tissue and 47.09, 47.07, 7.55 and 25.21 µ g g-1 dry wt in sediments to Ni, Pb, Cd, and Cu, respectively.