Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of the dustfall particles bigger than 10µm in Kurdistan province, western Iran.
Subject Areas : environmental managementReza Bashiri Khuzestani 1 , Babak Souri 2 *
1 - - MSc graduate, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 - Associate professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran *(Corresponding Author).
Keywords: Dustfall Particles Bigger than, Physico-Chemical Properties, Deposit Gauge Method, Alkali and Alkaline Earth Meta, Heavy Metals,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In recent years, emission of dustfall particles has been an increasing phenomenon in the atmosphere of western, southwestern and central Iran. Particulate matters with an aerodynamic diameter bigger than 10µm show more tendencies to fall and sustain their presence on surrounding environment comparing to smaller particles in the regions, where dustfall phenomenon is a matter of concern. Hence, these particles are considered as an important index to evaluate environmental quality. Objective of this research was to investigate physico-chemical properties of these particles in western part of Iran. Methods: The precipitation rate of dustfall particles on area unit was measured using deposit gauge method in a period of one year from Farvardin to Esfand 1389 (Iranian calendar) in university of Kurdistan in Sanandaj city, western Iran. Also, the concentration of soluble alkali and alkaline earth metals of Na, K, Ca and Mg alongside with concentration of total heavy metals of Fe and Mn were measured in the collected samples using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Additionally, type and dominance of minerals in the samples was evaluated using X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Findings: The results showed that during one year sampling period the highest and lowest rates of the dustfall precipitation were for months of Farvardin and Bahman with 19.71 and 1.38 gr m-2 month-1, respectively. Also, average concentration of soluble Na, K, Ca and Mg among the dustfall particles were 12.45, 5.74, 65.85 and 2.13 mg m-2 month-1 while average concentration for total Fe and Mn were 11.12 and 0.42 mg m-2 month-1. Also, X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples approved abundance of quartz and calcite minerals. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this research approved that the composition of these particles could emphasize on pedological source for dustfall particles in western Iran.
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