Survey of amount of removed detergents and organic Materials of hospital wastewater with SBR developed method (case study of Yazd city)
Subject Areas : environmental managementBahman Banaiy Ghahfarrokhi 1 * , Mohamad hassan Ehramposh 2 , Parvin Nasiri 3 , Asghar Ghasemee 4 , Reza Rezaee Javanmardi 5
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Keywords: SBR, detergent, hospital waste water treatment, organic Material,
Abstract :
Introduction: There are many different methods for waste water treatment such as Physical, Chemical and Biological and activated sludge process. The most significant aims of waste water treatment include controlling of environmental pollutions, protecting of concinnity of environment and controlling of infectious diseases. Among different type of waste water in a society, hospitals’ waste water are very important because of carrying various type of harmful, pathological and infectious micro-organisms and elements. One the harmful elements are detergents which are counted as biological pollutant in biological waste water treatment process. This research was carried out to eliminate detergents and organic material from hospitals’ waste water through developed SBR method with the aim of expressing of designing parameter and improved SBR potential process in order to use in waste water treatment process in hospitals. Methods: This research is experimental - applied study. At first pilot of advanced system was designed which was carried out in a period of 4 months. To chemical analyses 20 waste water samples were taken out from input and output pilot water and BOD, COD, SVI. MLVSS, SVI and detergents parameters were measured according to the suggested standard methods. Results: results in this research indicated that removal percentage of BOD is %95.54, COD%92.97, detergent 84.995 and average rate of mlss is 4327.65 mg/l, mlvss3172.05 mg/l and volume index 113.97 mg/l SVI obtained and average rate of F/M in this system was 0.0865BOD/kg mlss.d. Conclusion: according to the results obtained from advanced SBR it could be said this method of process treatment has high standard of flexibility against organic and hydraulic shock and was capable to remove BOD, COD and detergents and also it can process the output standards. Also low volume of established sludge and low growth of sulfa bacteria are advantages which cause use of this system in industrial waste waters treatment and competes with other methods of waste water treatment which is an economical and money saving method