Establishment of a CNG Station and its Economic Savings in Reduction of Air Pollutions Adverse Health Effects in Comparison to a Gasoline Station in Tehran
Subject Areas : environmental managementFarideh Atabi 1 * , Kamran Mahootchi Saeed 2 , Zahra Abedi 3
1 - Assistant Prof., Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Dept. Islamic Aza
University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of Environmental Economics, Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Science and Researc
Dept, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof., Graduate School of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Dept, Islamic Aza
University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Air pollution, CNG, Economic Saving, Station, Gasoline Consumption,
Abstract :
Natural gas as an environmentally friendly fuel will have the highest growth rate among energy carriers in the first two decades of this century which is an indication of its ever increasing s~i·re in global consumption of energy sources. ~_~ The present study utilizes the most recent statistics and data about air pollution and fuel price to estimate the amount of saving that can be attained through the establishment of a single- purposed CNG station having 4 dispensers and consuming 10.512.000 cubic meters ofCNG annually. Thus, the economic losses of pollutants emissions from I cubic meter of CNG and I liter of gasoline were calculated. Finally, by considering the annual revenue of a CNG station, the total monetary saving through the consumption of gas in comparison to the equal amounts of gasoline (per kilometer) was calculated. The results indicate that the total savings for each single-purpose CNG station is about 26.088.303.168 Rials. The cumulative savings from a chain ofCNG stations will be remarkable and in long term it will have huge paybacks including air pollution reduction, public health improvement, gasoline and diesel consumption decrease, reduction in foreign currency expenditures, self sufficiency in use of modem technologies and preservation of petroleum resources.