Investigation effect of the developing salinity water on the quality of irrigation water and soils physicochemical characteristics of pistachio cultivation of Sirjan area
Subject Areas : environmental management
Ali Neshat
Ali Zeinadini
1 - Assistant Prof، Kerman Branch ، Islamic Azad University
2 - Member of Science Board of Agricultural Research Center Of Kerman
Keywords: Developing salinity water, Soil physicochemical character, Water irrigation, Unknown waters, Sirjans,
Abstract :
Sirjan area is one of the important agricultural areas in Kerman province. Sirjan-zeidabad plain is themost important area of agriculture in Sirjan city and the most of it is allocated to culture pistachio. Inrecent three decades, high application of ground waters, continued droughts and serious evaporationcaused the decrease of groundwater level that resulted moving salinity water from the Kheirabad saltpan to nearly pistachio lands. The moving salinity water in this area caused the undesirable quality ofirrigation water, change of physicochemical characteristics and decreasing pistachio yield. In order toperform this research, first, topographical maps (1:25000) and satellite pictures of area were applied.Then a number of studied points were chosen and samples of soils and waters at any point were sent tolibrary. At next step, regression of relationships between soil and water considering differentparameters such as EC, pH, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and HCO3 was confirmed by using Excel software.Results showed that all parameters of irrigation water, except PH, have direct effect on factors in soil.This subject shows the effects of unknown waters on changing the quality of soil characteristicsespecially land salinization. The measured parameters volumes, in areas under effect of developing ofsalinity water, were unusable for cultivation based on FAO standards The pistachio orchards whichhad no problems of salinity, had economic production. Also, results showed that time has effect onundesirability of irrigation waters. Finally, for every studied area there was a completed questionnairein order to predict new ways of removing the problems.