Identifying the Key Factors Affecting on Enhancing Green Innovation Capabilities in the Automotive Industry
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Rahim Sheikhi
Mehrdad Hosseini Shakib
saeed shavvalpour arani
Abbas khamseh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Technology Management Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Management, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran * (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Economics and Progress Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Received: 2020-10-26
Accepted : 2021-02-01
Published : 2021-04-21
Innovation capability,
Sustainable development,
green innovation,
Green Innovation Capability,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: These days, due to increasing environmental awareness, most manufacturers in various industries, such as the automotive industry, are under pressure by consumers, the rules and patterns of industrial competition around the world, and because of these increasing drivers, green innovation has become one of the most important strategic tools for achieving sustainable development in this industry. In the automotive industry, this issue requires focusing on identifying and developing green innovation capabilities and implementing innovative green initiatives and practices. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the key factors and indicators affecting the promotion of green innovation capabilities in the automotive industry.Method: This study which has been conducted in 1399, is applied in terms of purpose and is classified in the qualitative-quantitative researches. In order to identify the key factors affecting the promotion of green innovation capability in the automotive industry, the opinions of university professors in the field of technology and innovation management, managers, and experts in the automotive industry have been used via comprehensive review of theoretical bases, research background, and Delphi method. Also, to test the fitting of the theoretical model of the research, the structural equation model method has been used by AMOS software.Findings: In this study, 47 indicators in the form of 12 key factors were identified and approved in the field of promoting green innovation capabilities in the automotive industry.Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that the key factors of stakeholder pressure and legal requirements, green R&D, green product innovation, and sustainable networking partnerships, respectively, have had the greatest impact on promoting green innovation capabilities in the automotive industry, that senior executives and policymakers in the automotive industry have to pay special attention to these capabilities, and should try to strengthen these factors.
Aboelmaged, M., & Hashem, G. (2019). Absorptive capacity and green innovation adoption in SMEs: The mediating effects of sustainable organisational capabilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220, 853-863.
United Nations. (2015) Introduction to UNIDO- inclusive and sustainable industrial development. In: Organization, available at https:// www. Unido .org/sites/default/files/2017-11/DG_Brochure_ February_2015_Web_0_0.pdf.
Melander, L. (2020). Success factors for environmentally sustainable product innovation. In Innovation Strategies in Environmental Science (pp. 33-67). Elsevier.
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. R. (2018). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change, 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Ar, I. M. (2012). The impact of green product innovation on firm performance and competitive capability: the moderating role of managerial environmental concern. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 854-864.
Cheng, C. C., Yang, C. L., & Sheu, C. (2014). The link between eco-innovation and business performance: a Taiwanese industry context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, 81-90.
Golińska, P., & Kawa, A. (Eds.). (2015). Technology management for sustainable production and logistic, 1th Edition. Springer.
Tie, S. F., & Tan, C. W. (2013). A review of energy sources and energy management system in electric vehicles. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 20, 82-102.
Lin, W. L., Cheah, J. H., Azali, M., Ho, J. A., & Yip, N. (2019). Does firm size matter? Evidence on the impact of the green innovation strategy on corporate financial performance in the automotive sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 974-988.
Daniel, M. N., & Abraham, M. R. E. (2019). Green initiatives and sustainable development in automotive industry. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(8), 317-321.
Calza, F., Parmentola, A., & Tutore, I. (2017). Types of green innovations: Ways of implementation in a non-green industry. Sustainability, 9(8), 1301. 28 Ordibehesht 2019.
Habash, R. (2017). Green Engineering: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design, 1th Edition. CRC Press LLC.
Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., Ariza-Montes, A. J., Morales-Fernández, E., & Albort-Morant, G. (2018). Green innovation, indeed a cornerstone in linking market requests and business performance. Evidence from the Spanish automotive components industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 185-193.
Albort-Morant, G., Leal-Millán, A., & Cepeda-Carrión, G. (2016). The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 4912-4917.
Tseng, M. L., Wang, R., Chiu, A. S., Geng, Y., & Lin, Y. H. (2013). Improving performance of green innovation practices under uncertainty. Journal of cleaner production, 40, 71-82.
Khamseh, A., Marei, P.,(2020), "Designing a model developed to assess the capabilities of technological innovation in Iranian construction of power plant equipment industries", Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Volume 18 Issue 5, DOI 10.1108/JEDT-10-2019-0276.
Forouzanmehr, M., hosseini shakib, M., shavvalpour, S., Khamseh, A. (2020). Investigating the effect of innovation capacity on the innovative performance of FinTech start-ups. Interdisciplinary Journal of Studies in the Humanities, doi: 10.22035/isih.2020.4053.4131.
Kemp, R., & Foxon, T. (2007). Eco-innovation from an innovation dynamics perspective: Deliverable 1 of MEI project (D1). Project Report, available at http://www. merit. unu. edu/MEI.
Lee, K. H., & Min, B. (2015). Green R&D for eco-innovation and its impact on carbon emissions and firm performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 534-542.
Salim, N., Ab Rahman, M. N., & Abd Wahab, D. (2019). A systematic literature review of internal capabilities for enhancing eco-innovation performance of manufacturing firms. Journal of cleaner production, 209, 1445-1460.
Li, G., Wang, X., Su, S., & Su, Y. (2019). How green technological innovation ability influences enterprise competitiveness. Technology in Society, 59, 101136.
Seman, N. A. A., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zakuan, N., Saman, M. Z. M., Hooker, R. E., & Ozkul, S. (2019). The mediating effect of green innovation on the relationship between green supply chain management and environmental performance. Journal of cleaner production, 229, 115-127.
Gupta, H., & Barua, M. K. (2018). A framework to overcome barriers to green innovation in SMEs using BWM and Fuzzy TOPSIS. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 122-139.
Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., Carrigan, M., & Piha, L. (2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 104, 632-643.
Tariq, A., Badir, Y. F., Tariq, W., & Bhutta, U. S. (2017). Drivers and consequences of green product and process innovation: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future outlook. Technology in Society, 51, 8-23.
Wu, K. J., Liao, C. J., Chen, C. C., Lin, Y., & Tsai, C. F. (2016). Exploring eco-innovation in dynamic organizational capability under incomplete information in the Taiwanese lighting industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 419-440.
Wang, J., Xue, Y., Sun, X., & Yang, J. (2020). Green learning orientation, green knowledge acquisition and ambidextrous green innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119475.
Huang, X. X., Hu, Z. P., Liu, C. S., Yu, D. J., & Yu, L. F. (2016). The relationships between regulatory and customer pressure, green organizational responses, and green innovation performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 3423-3433.
Moradian, M., Aghajani, Hassan A. (2019). Investigating the role of organizational factors and the mediating effects of new green product development on the financial performance of Iranian nanotechnology companies. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.22034 / jest.2019.15346.2396.
Valian, H., Abdoli, M., Karimi, Sh. (2018). Designing a model of innovative environmental practices for the development of business practices with a fuzzy approach (Case study: Pharmaceutical companies of Tehran Stock Exchange). Management Accounting, 11 (37), 59-75.
Gholami, S., Nazeri, A. (2018). Green Supply Chain Management and Organization Performance; The role of the ISO certification modifier. Standard and Quality Management, 8, 6-25.
Budalai, H., Gholizadeh Jorab, N., Fakhraee, Reza. (2017). The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Green Innovation Performance Considering the Role of Relational Learning Capability, 3rd International on Management, Dynamic. Accounting and Auditing, Tehran,
Mohammadlu, H., Fazli, S., Mohammadnejad Modardi, S. (2017). Selection of clean technology and green innovation, a solution to improve the environmental performance of small and medium industries (Case study: Eshtehard industrial town). Journal of Industrial Technology Development, 15 (30), 5-12.
Pilevari, N., and Tarytan, A. (2016). Investigating the Relationship between Different Dimensions of Green Innovations in Improving Organizational Performance in the Construction Industry, Tehran International Conference of Management Elites,
Marwati Sharifabadi, A., Jahromi Namakshenas, M., and Ziaei Bideh, A. (2014). Study of the effect of green innovation dimensions on organizational performance, Journal of Industrial Management Studies, 12 (33), 25-42.
Kiefer, C. P., Del Río González, P., & Carrillo‐Hermosilla, J. (2019). Drivers and barriers of eco‐innovation types for sustainable transitions: A quantitative perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(1), 155-172.
Singh, S. K., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., & Graziano, D. (2020). Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, 119762.
Xie, X., Huo, J., & Zou, H. (2019). Green process innovation, green product innovation, and corporate financial performance: A content analysis method. Journal of Business Research, 101, 697-706.
Arfi, W. B., Hikkerova, L., & Sahut, J. M. (2018). External knowledge sources, green innovation and performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 210-220.
Conding, J., Zubir, M., Fadzlin, A., Hashim, S. A., Lanang, S., & Ain, N. (2012). A proposed of green practices and green innovation model in Malaysian automotive industry. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 1(2), 90-100.
Zhen, H. (2011). Research on the evaluation of China's provincial Eco-innovation capability. Energy Procedia, 5, 647-653.
Abdullah, M., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., & Jayaraman, K. (2016). Barriers to green innovation initiatives among manufacturers: the Malaysian case. Review of Managerial Science, 10(4), 683-709.
Mashayekhi, A.N., Farhangi, A.A., Alidousti, S. & Momeni, M. (2005). Investigation of Factors Affecting the Use of information Technology in Iran’s Public Organizations: Application of Delphi Method. Human Sciences MODARES, 42(3): 191- 232.
Imanipour, N., and Kanaani, M., (2009). Provide a model for selecting an exit strategy from the perspective of venture capital funds supporting high technology. New Economy and Trade. (17), 48-66.
Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R. (2006)."Multivariate Analysis (6th edition.)", New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
Aboelmaged, M., & Hashem, G. (2019). Absorptive capacity and green innovation adoption in SMEs: The mediating effects of sustainable organisational capabilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220, 853-863.
United Nations. (2015) Introduction to UNIDO- inclusive and sustainable industrial development. In: Organization, available at https:// www. Unido .org/sites/default/files/2017-11/DG_Brochure_ February_2015_Web_0_0.pdf.
Melander, L. (2020). Success factors for environmentally sustainable product innovation. In Innovation Strategies in Environmental Science (pp. 33-67). Elsevier.
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. R. (2018). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change, 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Ar, I. M. (2012). The impact of green product innovation on firm performance and competitive capability: the moderating role of managerial environmental concern. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 854-864.
Cheng, C. C., Yang, C. L., & Sheu, C. (2014). The link between eco-innovation and business performance: a Taiwanese industry context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64, 81-90.
Golińska, P., & Kawa, A. (Eds.). (2015). Technology management for sustainable production and logistic, 1th Edition. Springer.
Tie, S. F., & Tan, C. W. (2013). A review of energy sources and energy management system in electric vehicles. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 20, 82-102.
Lin, W. L., Cheah, J. H., Azali, M., Ho, J. A., & Yip, N. (2019). Does firm size matter? Evidence on the impact of the green innovation strategy on corporate financial performance in the automotive sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 974-988.
Daniel, M. N., & Abraham, M. R. E. (2019). Green initiatives and sustainable development in automotive industry. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(8), 317-321.
Calza, F., Parmentola, A., & Tutore, I. (2017). Types of green innovations: Ways of implementation in a non-green industry. Sustainability, 9(8), 1301. 28 Ordibehesht 2019.
Habash, R. (2017). Green Engineering: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design, 1th Edition. CRC Press LLC.
Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., Ariza-Montes, A. J., Morales-Fernández, E., & Albort-Morant, G. (2018). Green innovation, indeed a cornerstone in linking market requests and business performance. Evidence from the Spanish automotive components industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 185-193.
Albort-Morant, G., Leal-Millán, A., & Cepeda-Carrión, G. (2016). The antecedents of green innovation performance: A model of learning and capabilities. Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 4912-4917.
Tseng, M. L., Wang, R., Chiu, A. S., Geng, Y., & Lin, Y. H. (2013). Improving performance of green innovation practices under uncertainty. Journal of cleaner production, 40, 71-82.
Khamseh, A., Marei, P.,(2020), "Designing a model developed to assess the capabilities of technological innovation in Iranian construction of power plant equipment industries", Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Volume 18 Issue 5, DOI 10.1108/JEDT-10-2019-0276.
Forouzanmehr, M., hosseini shakib, M., shavvalpour, S., Khamseh, A. (2020). Investigating the effect of innovation capacity on the innovative performance of FinTech start-ups. Interdisciplinary Journal of Studies in the Humanities, doi: 10.22035/isih.2020.4053.4131.
Kemp, R., & Foxon, T. (2007). Eco-innovation from an innovation dynamics perspective: Deliverable 1 of MEI project (D1). Project Report, available at http://www. merit. unu. edu/MEI.
Lee, K. H., & Min, B. (2015). Green R&D for eco-innovation and its impact on carbon emissions and firm performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 534-542.
Salim, N., Ab Rahman, M. N., & Abd Wahab, D. (2019). A systematic literature review of internal capabilities for enhancing eco-innovation performance of manufacturing firms. Journal of cleaner production, 209, 1445-1460.
Li, G., Wang, X., Su, S., & Su, Y. (2019). How green technological innovation ability influences enterprise competitiveness. Technology in Society, 59, 101136.
Seman, N. A. A., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zakuan, N., Saman, M. Z. M., Hooker, R. E., & Ozkul, S. (2019). The mediating effect of green innovation on the relationship between green supply chain management and environmental performance. Journal of cleaner production, 229, 115-127.
Gupta, H., & Barua, M. K. (2018). A framework to overcome barriers to green innovation in SMEs using BWM and Fuzzy TOPSIS. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 122-139.
Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., Carrigan, M., & Piha, L. (2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 104, 632-643.
Tariq, A., Badir, Y. F., Tariq, W., & Bhutta, U. S. (2017). Drivers and consequences of green product and process innovation: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future outlook. Technology in Society, 51, 8-23.
Wu, K. J., Liao, C. J., Chen, C. C., Lin, Y., & Tsai, C. F. (2016). Exploring eco-innovation in dynamic organizational capability under incomplete information in the Taiwanese lighting industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 419-440.
Wang, J., Xue, Y., Sun, X., & Yang, J. (2020). Green learning orientation, green knowledge acquisition and ambidextrous green innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 250, 119475.
Huang, X. X., Hu, Z. P., Liu, C. S., Yu, D. J., & Yu, L. F. (2016). The relationships between regulatory and customer pressure, green organizational responses, and green innovation performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 3423-3433.
Moradian, M., Aghajani, Hassan A. (2019). Investigating the role of organizational factors and the mediating effects of new green product development on the financial performance of Iranian nanotechnology companies. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.22034 / jest.2019.15346.2396.
Valian, H., Abdoli, M., Karimi, Sh. (2018). Designing a model of innovative environmental practices for the development of business practices with a fuzzy approach (Case study: Pharmaceutical companies of Tehran Stock Exchange). Management Accounting, 11 (37), 59-75.
Gholami, S., Nazeri, A. (2018). Green Supply Chain Management and Organization Performance; The role of the ISO certification modifier. Standard and Quality Management, 8, 6-25.
Budalai, H., Gholizadeh Jorab, N., Fakhraee, Reza. (2017). The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Green Innovation Performance Considering the Role of Relational Learning Capability, 3rd International on Management, Dynamic. Accounting and Auditing, Tehran,
Mohammadlu, H., Fazli, S., Mohammadnejad Modardi, S. (2017). Selection of clean technology and green innovation, a solution to improve the environmental performance of small and medium industries (Case study: Eshtehard industrial town). Journal of Industrial Technology Development, 15 (30), 5-12.
Pilevari, N., and Tarytan, A. (2016). Investigating the Relationship between Different Dimensions of Green Innovations in Improving Organizational Performance in the Construction Industry, Tehran International Conference of Management Elites,
Marwati Sharifabadi, A., Jahromi Namakshenas, M., and Ziaei Bideh, A. (2014). Study of the effect of green innovation dimensions on organizational performance, Journal of Industrial Management Studies, 12 (33), 25-42.
Kiefer, C. P., Del Río González, P., & Carrillo‐Hermosilla, J. (2019). Drivers and barriers of eco‐innovation types for sustainable transitions: A quantitative perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(1), 155-172.
Singh, S. K., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., & Graziano, D. (2020). Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, 119762.
Xie, X., Huo, J., & Zou, H. (2019). Green process innovation, green product innovation, and corporate financial performance: A content analysis method. Journal of Business Research, 101, 697-706.
Arfi, W. B., Hikkerova, L., & Sahut, J. M. (2018). External knowledge sources, green innovation and performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 210-220.
Conding, J., Zubir, M., Fadzlin, A., Hashim, S. A., Lanang, S., & Ain, N. (2012). A proposed of green practices and green innovation model in Malaysian automotive industry. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 1(2), 90-100.
Zhen, H. (2011). Research on the evaluation of China's provincial Eco-innovation capability. Energy Procedia, 5, 647-653.
Abdullah, M., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., & Jayaraman, K. (2016). Barriers to green innovation initiatives among manufacturers: the Malaysian case. Review of Managerial Science, 10(4), 683-709.
Mashayekhi, A.N., Farhangi, A.A., Alidousti, S. & Momeni, M. (2005). Investigation of Factors Affecting the Use of information Technology in Iran’s Public Organizations: Application of Delphi Method. Human Sciences MODARES, 42(3): 191- 232.
Imanipour, N., and Kanaani, M., (2009). Provide a model for selecting an exit strategy from the perspective of venture capital funds supporting high technology. New Economy and Trade. (17), 48-66.
Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R. (2006)."Multivariate Analysis (6th edition.)", New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.