Evaluating the necessary elements to introduce organizational agility pattern in Oak decline of the Zagros forests
Subject Areas : Sustainable Developmentmehdi Zandebasiri 1 * , javad Soosani 2 , mehdi Pourhashemi 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resource, Behbahan Khatam Al-anbia University of Technology. Behbahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lorestan, Khorramabd, I.R. Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Forest Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Tehran, I.R. Iran
Keywords: The essential activities of oak decline, Indigenouse knowledge, Forest decline, local resident participation,
Abstract :
Background and Purpose: Drought and decline of Zagros oak forests has been raised as one of the main environmental issues in the country. The aim of this study was to investigate the network of activities, essential components and critical path in the decline of Zagros oak forests. Such research could pave the way for the transformation of crisis threats to ecosystem agility opportunities in the Zagros forests. Method:This study was conducted in Tang-e-Salak watershed for Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. The program review and evaluation technique has been used to evaluate the times in the deterioration crisis management network. Data collection has been done in different categories of activities related to biological, social and managerial issues for oak decline management. In each activity group, the components of each group were identified and content reviewed. Finally, in order to address the issue of transforming degeneration threats into environmental opportunities, the organizational agility model in the Zagros forests has been used. Findings: The results show compiling and registering indigenous knowledge has taken the most time among the activities related to the participation of the local community. The results show oak decline threats can have environmental opportunities to strengthen the management information system, make optimal use of the facilities and decisions of organizations related to the Zagros forests, improve Zagros forestry projects, and strengthen social, biological and forestry subsystems. Turning these threats into ecosystem opportunities depends on managerial action in this area and can pave the way for the ecosystem's agility scheme in terms of responding appropriately to and adapting to environmental variables. Discussion and Counclusion: Crisis management needs to address all aspects of the needed activities to manage the Zagros forests. The activities covered in this study belong to all management trends and contexts, including the water management, planting, socio-economic issues, and the focus on one factor cannot be stopped on oak decline.
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19. Zandebasiri, M. and Hoseini, S.M. Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); Jahad Daneshgahi Press (Mazandaran Branch): Sari, Iran, 2019. (In Persian)
20. Ebrahimi Rostaghi, M. The role of policy-making and decision-making in protection of outside North forests. In Proceedings of the Conference on Protection of Forests in Sustainable Forest Management, Tehran, Iran, 11–13 October 2004; Iranian Society of Forestry: Tehran, Iran, 2005; pp. 137–151.
21. Zandebasiri, M.; Pourhashemi, M., 2018. Traditional forest related knowledge, Part 3: Management unit in Zagros forests. Iranian journal of nature, 3(2): 14–18. (In Persian)
_||_1. Hoseinzadeh, J., Azami, A. and Mohammadpour, M., 2015. Study of the topography with Oak decline in Melah-siah forests in Ilam province. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 23(1): 190-197 (In Persian).
2. Mahdavi, A., Mirzaee, J. and Karami, O., 2015. Condition of declined trees in Zagros forests (Case study: Boureh local area in Ilam province). Journal of Sustainable Forest Development, 1(4): 329-340 (In Persian).
3. Linares, J., Taigui, L. and Canarero, J.J., 2011. Increasing drought sensitivity and decline of Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) in the morocean middle Atlas forests. Forests, 2: 777-796.
4. Hoseinzadeh, J. and Pourhashemi, M., 2015. The study of crown indicators in Quercus brantiitress in relationship with mortality phenomenon in Ilam forests. Iranian Journal of Forest, 7(1): 57-66 (In Persian).
5. Biroudian, N., 2006. Disaster Management and the Principles of Security. University of Ferdowsi Press, Mashhad, 214p (In Persian).
6. Hoseini, A., Hoseini, M., Rahmani, A. and Azadfar, D., 2014. Compare the characteristics of competitive environments in of healthy stand and declined stand. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21(4): 606-616 (In Persian).
7. Chizari, A. and Amirnezhad, H., 2000. Project Management Construction of a dry corn unit with using CPM and PERT, Journal of agricultural economics and development, 29: 273-257 (In Persian).
8. Nieuwenhuis, M., 1989. Operations Research in Forestry, IRISH forestry, 46 (1): 51-58.
9. Zandebasiri, M., Soosani, J. and Pourhashemi, M., 2015. Evaluation of the crisis severity in forests of Kohgiluye and Boyerahmad province (Case study: Tang-e Solak), Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 24 (4): 665-674 (In Persian).
10. Mousavi shahroudi, M., 2006. Planning, Top print jobs publication, 349P (In Persian).
11. Modarres, M. and Asefvaziri, A., 2009. Operational research, Volume II, Young publication, 320P (In Persian).
12. Kazemi, A., Fakhouri, P. and Shakourlou, A., 2015. Provide a fuzzy expert system to determine the project's completion time PERT networks, Journal of Industrial Management Studies, 38: 41-69 (In Persian)
13. Shirmohammadi, A., 2013. Project management and control, Application of CPM, GERT and PN, Isfahan university of technology Publication, 425P (In Persian).
14. Zandebasiri, M., Vacik, H., Etongo, D., Dorfstetter, Y., Soosani, J. and Pourhashemi, M. 2019. Application of time-cost trade-off model in forest management projects: The case of Oak decline projects, Journal of forest science, 65:481-492.
15. Danehkar, A. and Zandebasiri, M., 2020. System analysis in environment, Tehran University Publication. (In Persian)
16. Ghorbani, M., Salari, F., Hamidian, A. and Nasri, M., 2016. The Analysis of Local Benefesheries’ Network Toward Improvement of Resilience and Sustainable Natural Ecosystems Management (Case Study: Gor-Gu Region, Boyer Ahmad District), Journal of natural environment, 69 (2): 469-486 (In Persian).
17. Zandebasiri, M., and Ghazanfari, H., 2010.The main consequences of affecting factors on forest management of local settlers in the Zagross forests (case study: Ghalegol watershed in Lorestan province), Iranian Journal of Forest, 2(2), 127-138 (In Persian).
18. Zaina, M., Roseb, R. Ch., Abdullahc, I., Masromd, M., 2005. The relationship between information technology acceptance and organizational agility in Malaysia, Information and Management, 42: 829–839.
19. Zandebasiri, M. and Hoseini, S.M. Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); Jahad Daneshgahi Press (Mazandaran Branch): Sari, Iran, 2019. (In Persian)
20. Ebrahimi Rostaghi, M. The role of policy-making and decision-making in protection of outside North forests. In Proceedings of the Conference on Protection of Forests in Sustainable Forest Management, Tehran, Iran, 11–13 October 2004; Iranian Society of Forestry: Tehran, Iran, 2005; pp. 137–151.
21. Zandebasiri, M.; Pourhashemi, M., 2018. Traditional forest related knowledge, Part 3: Management unit in Zagros forests. Iranian journal of nature, 3(2): 14–18. (In Persian)