Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Coastal Areas by Using SWOT Model and QSPM Matrix (Case Study: Mazandaran Province)
Subject Areas : Sustainable DevelopmentZahra Samadi Tari 1 , Jafar Nouri 2 * , Reza Arjmandi 3
1 - Ph.D. Student of Environmental Management, Department of Environmental Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
2 - Prof., Department of Environmental Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
3 - Assistant Prof., Department of Environmental Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Keywords: Tourism Development, Mazandaran, Strategic Management, Coastal Area,
Abstract :
Introduction: In recent years, the uncontrolled tourism development trend in the coastal areas of Mazandaran province, without taking into account the sustainable development principles and land suitability, has led to adverse environmental impacts and further damage to this area. Therefore, the current study aims to organize tourism activities by providing a strategic plan and appropriate to the region to assist the land management process in mentioned coastal areas.Material and Methods: The present study has been carried out in three stages. In the first step, the Internal and External Factors Evaluation (IFE and EFE) matrices were prepared. In the second step, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) matrix was developed, and accordingly strategies were presented. In the third stage, by preparing the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), the strategies were evaluated and superior strategies were selected.Results and Discussion: In the IFE matrix the highest weighted score was assigned to state of the environment studies and in the EFE matrix proximity to Tehran is the highest. According to the results, 25 strategies extracted from internal and external factors of strategic management of tourism in coastal areas of Mazandaran province. Based on comparison of mentioned strategies, SO3 strategy (coastal tourism development in the region based on the Integrated Coastal Zone Management) is the first step in the strategic management goals of coastal tourism. WT1 (Modifying tourism development policies based on strategic studies) and WT2 (implementation of environmental management mechanisms such as Strategic Environmental Assessment) strategies are respectively, in the second and third priority.
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18. Teh, L., and Cabanban, A.S., (2007), “Planning for sustainable tourism in southern Pulau Banggi: An assessment of biophysical conditions and their implications for future tourism development", Journal of Environmental Management, 85: 999 -1008
19. Wickramasinghe, V., Takano, sh., (2009),” Application of Combined SWOT and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Tourism Revival Strategic Marketing Planning: A Case of Sri Lanka Tourism”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8.
20. Gu,M., Wong, P.P., (2008),”Coastal zone management focusing on coastal tourism in a transitional period of China”, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management,51, 1 -24.
21. Shaalan,I.M., (2005), “Sustainable tourism development in the Red Sea of Egypt threats and opportunities” , Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 : 83 -87.
22. Hekmat Nia, H., (2006), “ Application of Model in Geography with Emphasis on Urban and Regional Planning ”, ElM-e-Novin press, Tehran. (In persian)
23. Hafez Nia, M.R., (2009), “An Introduction to Research Methods in the Humanities, Samt press. (In persian)
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25. Statistical Center of Iran, (2011), Population and Housing Censuses. (In persian)
26. Ports and Maritime organization of Iran, (2008), Studies of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) of the country, “Studies of the optimal land use plan of the country's coastal areas”, North Coast Environmental Studies Report. (In persian)
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28. Pak, A., & Farajzadeh, M., (2007), “Iran's Integrated Coastal Management plan: Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, and southern Caspian Sea coastlines”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 50, 754 -773
1. Caribbean Environmental Network, (1997), “Improving Training and Public Awareness on Caribbean Coastal Tourism”, Panos Institute and the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication, Project 598-0832, USAID-UNEP Grant.
2. Kitsiou, D., Coccossis, H., and Karydis, M., (2002), “ Multi-dimensional evaluation and ranking of coastal areas using GIS and multiple criteria choice methods ” ,The Science of the Total Environment, 284,1–17.
3. UNEP, )2009(, “Sustainable Coastal Tourism; An integrated planning and management approach”, Priority Actions Programme, Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC).
4. Fortuny,M., Soler,R., Canovas,C., and Sanchez, A., (2008), “Technical approach for a sustainable tourism development.Case study in the Balearic Islands”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 16 : 860-869.
5. Michalena, E., Hills, J., and Amat, J-P., (2009), “Developing sustainable tourism, using a multicriteria analysis on renewable energy in Mediterranean Islands”, Energy for Sustainable Development, 13: 129–136.
6. Saffache, P., and Angelelli, P., (2010), “Integrated Coastal Zone Management in small islands:A comparative outline of some islands of the Lesser Antilles”, Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 10(3):255-279.
7. Thiele, M.T., Pollnac, R.B., and Christie, P., (2005), “Relationships between coastal tourism and ICM sustainability in the central Visayas region of the Philippines”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 48: 378–392.
8. Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership, (2001), “Tanzania Coastal Tourism Situation Analysis”, TCMP Working Document: 5057 TCMP.
9. Suman, D., (2007), “Development of an integrated coastal management plan for the Gulf of San Miguel and Darien Province, Panama: Lessons from the experience”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 50: 634 -660.
10. Queffelec, B., Cummins, V., and Bailly, D., (2009), “Integrated management of marine biodiversity in Europe: Perspectives from ICZM and the evolving EU Maritime Policy framework”, Marine Policy, 33: 871–877.
11. Daby D., (2003), “Effects of sea-grass bed removal for tourism purposes in a Mauritian bay”, Environmental Pollution, 125, 313 -324.
12. Anker, H.T., Nellemann, V., and Sverdrup-Jensenc, S., (2004), “Coastal zone management in Denmark: ways and means for further integration”, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management, 47: 495 -513.
13. Anilkumar, P.P., Varghese, K., and Ganesh, L.S., (2010), “Formulating a coastal zone health metric for landuse impact management in urban coastal zones”, Journal of Environmental Management, 91:2172-2185.
14. Trumbic, I., (2005), “Tourism Carrying Capacity Assessment in the Mediterranean Coastal Tourist Destinations”, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
15. Ebrahimzadeh, I., and Aghasi Zadeh, A.,(2009), “Analysis of factors affecting tourism development in Chabahar coastal area using SWOT strategic model” , Urban and regional studies, NO:1, 107-128.(In persian)
16. Fazelnia, GH., and Hedayati, S., (2010), “Appropriate strategies for the development of tourism in Zarivar Lake”, Journal of Geography and Development, NO:19, 145-170. (In persian)
17. Rokn al-Din, E., A., and Mahdavi, D., (2006), “Rural tourism development strategies using SWOT model,case study:Lavasan village”, Journal of Humanities Teacher, VOL 10, NO. 2, 1-30. (In persian)
18. Teh, L., and Cabanban, A.S., (2007), “Planning for sustainable tourism in southern Pulau Banggi: An assessment of biophysical conditions and their implications for future tourism development", Journal of Environmental Management, 85: 999 -1008
19. Wickramasinghe, V., Takano, sh., (2009),” Application of Combined SWOT and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Tourism Revival Strategic Marketing Planning: A Case of Sri Lanka Tourism”, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8.
20. Gu,M., Wong, P.P., (2008),”Coastal zone management focusing on coastal tourism in a transitional period of China”, Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management,51, 1 -24.
21. Shaalan,I.M., (2005), “Sustainable tourism development in the Red Sea of Egypt threats and opportunities” , Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 : 83 -87.
22. Hekmat Nia, H., (2006), “ Application of Model in Geography with Emphasis on Urban and Regional Planning ”, ElM-e-Novin press, Tehran. (In persian)
23. Hafez Nia, M.R., (2009), “An Introduction to Research Methods in the Humanities, Samt press. (In persian)
24. Azkia, M., and Darban Astaneh, A., (2004), “Applied research methods”, Kayhan press. (In persian)
25. Statistical Center of Iran, (2011), Population and Housing Censuses. (In persian)
26. Ports and Maritime organization of Iran, (2008), Studies of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) of the country, “Studies of the optimal land use plan of the country's coastal areas”, North Coast Environmental Studies Report. (In persian)
27. Sabz Andish Payesh Consulting Engineers(SAP), (2006), “Tourism development plan in the coastal area of the Caspian Sea”. (In persian)
28. Pak, A., & Farajzadeh, M., (2007), “Iran's Integrated Coastal Management plan: Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, and southern Caspian Sea coastlines”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 50, 754 -773