Simultaneous Usage of Double-Bounded and One and One-Half Bounded Dichotomous Choices in the Valuation of Sisangan Forest Park
Subject Areas : Environmental Economicskamal Ataie Solout 1 * , AhmadAlie Keikha 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Crop engineering College, Research Institute of Medicinal Plants Biotechnologies (RIMPBio), Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU), Sari, Iran *(Corresponding author)
2 - Associated Prof, Deptartment of Agricultural Economics, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran
Keywords: One and One-half Bounded (OOHB) Dichotomous choices, Sisangan Forest Park, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choices (DBDC),
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In the last decade, the valuation of public goods has been considerably taken into account. Today, countries which are more likely to consider their economic development consider the tourism industry as a necessity and since naturalism or ecotourism is one of the major tourist attractions, serious attention is paid to this. The purpose of this study is an investigation of simultaneous usage of Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choices (DBDC) and one and one-half bounded Dichotomous Choices (OOHB) in determining the recreational value of Sysangan Forest Park with contingent valuation method in 2014. Method: For this task, according to the theoretical literature of each choice, a questionnaire prepared for each choice, and necessary information gathered. Then with using Logit model and maximum likelihood method, effecting parameter on the recreation value of park estimated. Findings: According to the results; the annual number of visits, consequence or ethical oriented of visitors and monthly family income of visitors have the significant effect on willingness to pay of visitors for recreation in this park. Expected willingness to pay in DBDS choice is relatively 12.2 percentages more than the similar amount in the OOHB choice. According to the results, the recreational value estimated of Sisangan forest park, with using of DBDC and OOHB choices are respectively 14949 and 11324 million Rial in 2014. Discussion and Conclusion: Although the results of this study can not be described as a general rule, but it can be said that based on the information collected by DBDC and OOHB selections in the studied samples, the model estimated by OOHB selections to In terms of good indicators, the fit is better and the recreational value of the park is more adjusted than the model used by DBDC selection.
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- McKean, J.R., Johnson. D. and Garth. R.G., 2010. Willingness-to-pay for steelhead trout fishing: Implications of two-step consumer decisions with short-run endowments. Water Resources, 46 (9): W09523.
- Abdollahie, A., 2009. Ecotourism compatible with environmental protection and sustainability of natural resources. 6th conference of Agricultural economics of Iran. Ferdosie University of Mashhad, Iran (In Persian)
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- Turner, R.K., Morse-Jones, S. and Fisher, B., 2010. Ecosystem valuation: a sequential decision support system and quality assessment issues. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1185 (1), 79-101.
- Yamazaki, S., Rust, S., Jennings, S., Lyle, J. and Frijilink, S., 2011. A Contingent Valuation of Recreational Fishing in Tasmania. Institute for Marine and Antarctic, Studies University of Tasmania, 57 (2): 193-213.
- Hashemi, A., 2011. Detecting Outdoor Recreation Value of Tourism using by Contingent Valuation Method, American Journal of Scientific Research. 13: 41-46.
- Amirnejad, H. and Ataie Solout, K., 2011. Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources. Avaye Masi Pub., Iran, 432p. (In Persian)
- Kiani salmi, S., 2016. Estimation of recreation value and recognition of effective factors for Willingness to Pay for urban natural parks by using Contingent valuation method. Urban Management Studies, 8 (26): 31-42. (In Persian)
- Shabanzadeh, P., Baniasadi, M., Hayati, B., Raheli, H., 2016. Economic Pricing of Recreational Services and Determining Visitors’ Willingness to Pay Costs for Visiting Urban Tourist Places (Case Study: Garden of Flowers in Isfahan). Urabn Economics and Management, 13 (4): 1-17. (In Persian)
- Sharzehi, GH. and Samedaliri, A., (2012). Estimating the recreational value of the Caspian Sea coast (Case study: Radio-darya recreational coast of Chalous, Iran). Environmental Science, 9 (3): 1-14. (In persian)
- Samedaliri, A., 2012. Evaluating the total economic value of water in the west of Mazandaran province, Ph.D. thesis at Tarbiat Modarres University, Agricultural Faculty, 199p. (In persian)
- Amirtaimoorri. Somayeh, Khalilian. Sadegh, Amirnejad. Hamid, and Mohenni. Ali, (2015) "Estimating the Social Optimum Level of Sulfur Dioxide Gas (SO2) Emitted from Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex and Itʼs Tax Rate", Economic Research, 49 (4): 775-797.
- Amirnejad, H. and Ajhdarie, S., 2011. Comparing the Application of Logit, Probit and Tobit method in Economic Valuation of Environmental Resources: The Case Study of Behesht-e-Gomshode in Fars Province. Agricultural Economics, 5 (3): 95-119 (In Persian)
- Rolfe, J. and Dyack, B., 2010. Testing for convergent validity between travel cost and contingent valuation estimates of recreation values in the Coorong Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 54 (4): 583-599.
- Bocksteal, N.E. and McConnell, K.E., 2007. Environmental and Natural Resource Valuation with Revealed Preferences (A Theoretical Guide to Empirical Models). Springer, Hardcover, 374 p.
- Louviere, J., Hensher, D.A. and, Swait, J.D. and Adamowicz, W., 2000. Stated Choice Methods: Analysis and Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- FirouzZare, A. and Ghorbani, M., 2009. Study of the Welfare Effects of Different Policies on Air Pollution Change in Iran Case Study: Mashhad City, 7th conference of Agricultural Economics of Iran, Ferdosie Unoversity, Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian)
- Cooper, J.C. and Hanemann, M. and Signorello, G., 2002. One-and-One-Half-Bound Dichotomous-Choice Contingent Valuation. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 84 (4): 742-750.
- Salamie, H.A. and Rafiei, H., 2011. Estimation of Preservation Value of Anzali International Wetland Based on Deontological Point view. Natural Environment (Iranian journal of Natural resources), 64 (2): 89-100. (In Persian)
- Anonymous, 2012. Cultural Heritage and Tourism Department of Mazandaran province, statistics different years. (In Persian)