A survey of FAHP based on four economic, social, environmental and ecological criteria in Chadegan region
Subject Areas :
Environmental Economics
arezo moazami
Jamal Ghoddousi
, Ali Asghar Alshaeikh,
saeid soltani
1 - PhD in Environmental Management, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Professor of Geographic Information System, Khajeh Nasiruddin Tusi University of Technology, Tehran.
4 - Professor of Watershed field, Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology.
Received: 2021-04-21
Accepted : 2021-09-12
Published : 2022-02-20
Geographical Information System (GIS),
Land planning,
Abstract :
Background and Objective Our country is going in a costly and long-term challenge in the socio-economic, political, cultural and technological arena. City recognition and the region in which the city is located is based on such an attitude.
Material and Methodology: Cost-benefit analysis and some tools such as sustainability indicators and environmental issues are among other ways to promote attention to long-term impacts of the current development. FAHP model is one of the most popular multi-purpose decision making methods for situations with multiple measures.
Finding: In this study, by calculating the weight and ranking of effective criteria and sub-criteria in the allocation and zoning of urban land use in 7 stages, FAHP technique has been applied. In order to formulate a sustainable solution for current and future urban development, it is necessary to have better knowledge about the adaptation of current constructed areas (including cities, suburban areas) with natural environmental factors.
Discussion and Conclusion: Hence, the results are presented based on the charts as weighted results of the thematic information layers related to each of the sub-criteria (indices) are also given in the charts. The model of allocation and zoning of urban land is based on the degree of desirability in 4 classes or groups, which in the analysis of the method of high, middle and low limits of scores or each criterion scores based on the sub-criteria related to each of them are considered to determine the changes scope (changes limit) and by considering the effect of each of sub-criteria, the results are used based on the four criteria and sub-criteria related to them.
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Kim, K.H. and Pauleit, S. (2007) Landscape Character, Biodiversity and Land Use Planning: The Case of Kwangju City Region, South Korea. Land Use Policy, 24, 264-274.
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Theodor .J, Stewart, Ron. Janssen, Marjan. van. Herwijnen, (2004), A genetic algorithm approach to multiobjective landuse Planning, Computers & Operations Research 31, 2293–2313.