Landslide Hazard Zoning in Marivan Porivine (Case study: Tefli Village)
Subject Areas : environmental managementShahram Baikpour 1 * , Noushin Khavarian moghadam 2
1 - Assistant professor, Natural Resources and Environment Faculty, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch (Corresponding Author),Tehran,Iran
2 - M.Sc., Environmental Geology, Natural Resources and Environment Faculty, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: "Landslide", "Tefli", "Marvian", "Zoning",
Abstract :
Introduction: The study area (Tefli village) is located in Kurdistan, Iran. According to Iran’s tectonics classification it is part of the “Zagros Fold Belt”. The aim of this study is to prepare a relative risk zoning map of hill slide instability and landslide in “Tefli” village. Methods: Initially, nine factors were identified as effective parameters on landslides in the study area, therefore the Phasing method was used in order to prioritize these factors and to make the landslides risk zone of the area. Results: The study showing that 63\14, 10\48, 11\52, 9\60 & 5\24 percent of the area classified to “very low, low, moderate, high, very high” risk zone respectively and “Road” and “Fault” defined as the most effective factors for landslides events. Conclusions: According to the geographical position of the area, formations type and topographic situation, the study area is located in an unstable and high potential of landslide hazard zone. Consequently, slope sustainability methods in unstable hill slides can be used in order to increase the safety of the area.
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- Ownegh, M., 2004, Assessing the applicability of the Australan landslide databases in hazard management. Proceedings of ISCO, Brisbane, 4 to 8 July, Australia, 1001-1006.
- Shadfar, S., Yamani, M., 1386, Landslide Hazard Zoning in Jalisian Basin based on LNRF Model, Geographical Research, 39(62): 11-23. (In Persian)
- Binaghi, E., Luzi, L., Madella, P., Pergalani F., Rampini, A., 1998. Slope instability zonation: a comparison between certainty factor and fuzzy dempster–shafer approaches, Natural Hazards, 17, 77–97.
- Karam, A., 1380, Numerical Modeling and Landslide Hazard Zoning in Inner Zagros (caase study: Sarkhoon Basin- Chahar mahal Bakhtiari), PhD Thesis, Natural Geography, Tarbiat moddares University, Tehran, 354. (in Persian)
- Sefidgari, R., 1381, Assessment of methods for Landslide Hazard Zoning in 1: 50000 scale (case study: Damavand), MSc Thesis, engineering geology, Tarbiat moddaress University, 159. ( in Persian)
- Hansen, A., 1984, Landslide hazard analysis in slope instability. Eds., Brunsden, D. Prior, D.P., John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 523-602.
- Komakpanah, A., Montazerghaem, S., Chodani, A., 1373, Landslide and Review to Iran Landslides, IEEE, 65. (In Persian)
- Mahdavi far, M., 1376, Landslide Hazard Zoning in Khoresh rostam Area (SW Khalkhal Porovince), MSc thesis, Engineering Geology, Tarbia Moddares University, Tehran, 15.(In Persian
- Fatemi Aghda, M., Ghaiomyan, J., Teshne lab, M., Ashgheli Farahni, A., 1384, Investigation of Landslide Hazard Zoning based on Fuzzy logic (case study: Roodbar), Science Journal, Tehran University, 31(1): 43-64. (In Persian)
- Tanaka, K., 1383, Introduction to Fuzzy logic for practical use, translated by Vahidian Kamyad, A., Tareghian, H., Publication of Ferdowsi University of Mashad . 141. (In Persian)
- Ashgheli Farahani, A., 1380, Assessment of Landslide Hazard in Roodbar Area based on Fuzzy logic, MSc thesis, Engineering Geology, Tarbia Moalem University, 141. (In Persian)
- 12) Koorepazan Dezfooli, A., 1384, fundamental of Fuzzy theory and using for hydraulic Modeling, publication of jahad daneshgahi Amirkabir, 261. (In Persian)