Identifying and ranking effective human resources training on the implementation of e-commerce in knowledge-based companies active in the field of information and communication technology in Tehran
Subject Areas :
Ali Hakimzadeh
Mohammad Ghasemi namaghi
Ali Hosseinzadeh
1 - PhD student in Marketing management, Department of Management , Torbat Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Management, Economy And Accounting, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management , Torbat Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydariyeh, Iran
Received: 2021-10-10
Accepted : 2022-03-09
Published : 2023-06-22
Human Resources,
knowledge-based companies,
ICT manpower,
Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify and rank the effective training of human resources on the implementation of e-commerce in knowledge-based Companies In the field of Information And communication Technology In Tehran.
research methodology: The research method is applied and field. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers of knowledge-based companies active in the field of information and communication technology in Tehran. Theoretical saturation method was used for sampling and 15 people were selected as the sample size. In a small part, a researcher-made pairwise comparison questionnaire was used. To evaluate the validity of the journal from the opinions of experts and reliability with Cronbach's alpha, 0.87 was obtained. The questionnaire was approved. Data analysis was performed using grounded theory and Oreste methods and Expert choice software..
Findings: Evidence suggests that among the effective training of human resources for the implementation of e-commerce, training in the use of technology with a coefficient (1), training in critical thinking and analysis with a coefficient (0.840) and training to increase technology capabilities with a coefficient (0.740) rank The first to the third.
Conclusion: Therefore, according to the results, having the necessary training and expertise in relation to the use of e-commerce techniques, in order to gain and maintain a business advantage in an environment where there is intense competition, attract, train and retain a specialized workforce related to business techniques. Electronics must have reached a professional level.
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