The role of school principals’ Instructional leadership in predicting teachers’ professional learning in the primary schools in Mashhad city
Subject Areas : Educationzahra dianat 1 , rezvan hossingholizadeh 2 * , Somayeh Ebrahimi Kooshak Mahdi 3
1 - Master of Educational Administration, Hekmat Razavi Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - Ph.D. student in Educational Administration and Human Resources Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Instructional Leadership, Teacher Professional Learning, School Principal, Primery School,
Abstract :
Introduction: The role of school principals’ Instructional leadership in predicting teachers’ professional learning in the primery schools in Mashhad city. The main purpose of this study is to examine the role of school principals’ instructional leadership in predicting teachers’ professional learning across primery schools in Mashhad. research methodology: To this end, the mixed research method (Qan-Qual) was used. In the quantitative stage, study population included 50 primery schools (50 principals and 236 teachers) in the 4, 5 and 6 districts which were selected through proportional stratified sampling. Sampling in the qualitative stage was done based on the results obtained from the quantitative stage, and six schools (6 principals and 12 teachers) were chosen as the subjects of study. To analyze the quantitative data, the technique of statistical analysis of structural equations was employed whereas interpretative analysis (open and axial coding) was used to examine the qualitative data. Findings: According to the results of the analysis, the proposed model of instructional leadership determines 62% of the variance of teacher professional learning. As a result of coding the analysis of obtained data from interviews, 11 categories, 195 key points, and 195 concepts in high level schools as well as 158 key points and 158 concepts in low level schools were extracted. Conclusion: The results of quantitative data analysis showed that instructional leadership model had a direct and significant relationship with teacher professional learning. Also, the results of qualitative data suggested the following notions: definition of school mission, managing curriculum, improvement of learning climate, concerns about improving student learning, concerns about comprehensive student growth and development while providing welfare and security, teacher motivation, bases of teacher professional learning, climate of cooperation in school, change in teachers’ teaching methods and principals as role models. .
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