Designing a dynamic model for primary schools
Subject Areas : Education
Toba Rezaeyan
hosseinali jahed
Mohammad Nourian
nayereh shahmohammady
1 - PhD Student in Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Higher Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad, Thran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor and member of the academic staff of Educational Research and Planning Organization, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Dynamics, Dynamic Schoo Elementary School,
Abstract :
Introduction: The dynamism of primary schools is fundamental as an essential tool for raising the level of empowerment and educational promotion. Therefore, education should change the existing adaptive role to a reproductive role, provide dynamic conditions for each student. This research has been done to design a dynamic school model using consecutive exploratory research. research methodology: The present study is a descriptive-survey based on a combined approach of consecutive exploratory type (taxonomic development model or classification) in terms of applied purpose and data collection method. In the first stage, a data-based qualitative method (data foundation) and an interview technique were used to construct the model. Sources of data collection in this section included semi-structured interviews with theoretical saturation (with 15 people) which were converted into textual data and then the text was coded using this data and to identify components Dynamic school was introduced in elementary schools and provided a model. The results of the qualitative section were designed based on the measuring instruments according to the identified components in the form of a 52-item questionnaire and its face and content validity was confirmed by experts and finally reached a reliability coefficient of 96%. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate the validity of the proposed model. The statistical population in the quantitative part of the professors of educational management of Farhangian University and the principals and teachers active in primary education and primary schools who implemented the dynamic school project in Tehran schools was 600 people who used stratified random sampling method. Based on Krejcie and Morgan table, 230 people were determined and Amos software was used for quantitative data analysis. In the qualitative section, 15 experts and informants in the two areas of school dynamics and primary schools were purposefully selected using the snowball method and Atlas.Ti software was used to analyze the qualitative data. Findings: The results of qualitative and quantitative data analysis showed that the dynamic school model has 6 main categories (factors). Human factor includes (16 sub-categories or components) Structural factor includes (7 components) Process factor includes (5 components) Environmental factor includes (9 components) Cultural factor includes (5 components) and School dynamics factor includes (10 components) Conclusion: Dynamic school is student-centered, technology-oriented, change-oriented, adaptable,responsive, innovative, flexible, agile, competitive, complex, continuous improvement and research-oriented in terms of constituent characteristics. These characteristics are formed as a result of the interaction of dynamic factors and components in the school and the existence of these characteristics confirms the effective relationship between the dimensions and components and the formation of a dynamic school.
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