Identifying and prioritizing the components of staff training in higher education institutions Based on Thematic analysis
Subject Areas : EducationAlireza Rajabipoor Meybodi 1 * , Ali Abasaltian 2 , Mehdi Sabokro 3
1 - Faculty Member of Yazd University
2 - Student / Yazd university
3 - Faculty member of yazd university
Keywords: Educational needs assessment, Staff Training, Theory Analysis, Best - Worst Method,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was identified and prioritized the components of staff training in higher education institutions using thematic analysis and multi-criteria decision making method of best worst.
The methodology of this research was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). Initially, effective factors on staff training were identified through reviewing subject literature and content analysis of 71 related articles and dissertations and semi-structured interviews with thirteen experts who were reduced to 177 important factors after screening in 25 sub-themes and 7 themes. The main categories (educational needs assessment, educational goals, evaluation methods, educational evaluation, staff improvement in higher education institutions, conditions governing higher education institutions, educational facilities) were classified. The indices were ranked using the new Best - Worst (BWM) integrated approach. The results showed that the educational needs assessment indices and educational facilities are the best-worst indices of staff training in higher education institutions, respectively. It was hoped that managers will be able to improve the level of knowledge and quality of staff behavior and performance by recognizing and prioritizing the components of staff training in higher education institutions more effectively.
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