Identifying and prioritizing the components of the professional competence of educational leaders in the elementary school
Subject Areas : Education
sedigheh gholamialavi
javad hatami
mahmoud mehrmohammadi
ebrahim talaee
1 - Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Professor of Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Humanities
3 - Retired Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Delphi method, model of professional competence, educational leaders, hierarchical analysis,
Abstract :
Introduction and aim: The current research seeks to identify and prioritize the components of the professional competence of educational leaders in the elementary school. the purpose of the research is practical and in terms of data collection, it is mixed and exploratory.
Methods: In the first part, by studying the theoretical foundations and research background, as well as interviewing 9 experts in the field of educational management, educational leadership and curriculum, the model of professional competence of educational leaders according to the educational system of the country was determined. The selection of participants in the interview was done using Purposive sampling, and the criteria for selecting their number was theoretical saturation. In the second part, using the Delphi method and hierarchical analysis, priority of the components of this model were determined from the perspective of curriculum experts (educational leaders, managers, teachers) and the snowball method was used to select these experts. To determine the validity of the research, qualitative validation criteria of Credibility, transferability, and confirmability were used, and reliability was determined by Cohen's kappa method.
Results and Conclusion: The model of professional competence of educational leaders includes the themes of basic competencies including five categories, specialized competencies including three categories and professional competencies including four categories, which includes a total of 155 concepts. results showed that priority is given to professional competencies, specialized competencies, and basic competencies. the calculation of weight of the sub-components showed that the components of support and professional growth of teachers, optimal management of the teaching-learning process, optimal management of the curriculum and organizational and professional abilities respectively in First to fourth priority. The results of this research should be made available to officials and decision makers in this field for the purpose of decision-making, selection, appointment and professional growth of educational leaders.