The effectiveness of simulation-based physics education on self-directed learning for high school students
Subject Areas :
Mohammad javad Khoshtale
farzaneh vasefian
1 - Master of Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Meymeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Meymeh, Iran
2 - Department of Educational Sciences, Ardestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardestan, Iran.
Received: 2020-02-25
Accepted : 2021-08-04
Published : 2021-06-22
simulation-based teaching,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of simulation-based teaching in physics on self-directed learning of secondary school students.This study was performed on12th grade students of Isfahan Experimental Sciences with7358 students by quasi-experimental method and with pre-test-post-test design with control group in the academic year2018-2019. Therefore,54students of Mandegar Saadi High School were randomly divided into experimental and control groups by available sampling method in two classes of 2 7students The experimental group received physics simulators (atomicand nuclear physics subjects) from the University of Colorado Boulder Web site that matched the topics used and contained most of the basic concepts in the high school computer lab and control group with traditional teaching method (lecture) 1 6 sessions of 90 minutes, they received for 8 weeks. Self-centered learning was measured by self-directed learning test by Fisher et al. (2001) based on Garrison (1997) in three subscales of self-management, Self-motivation and self-monitoring Which is Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.84. Research data were analyzed using SPSS 25 software at two levels of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of covariance). The results showed that the teaching method based on simulation has the ability of self-centered learning in students and there is self-management, Self-motivation and self-monitoring in all three subscales.
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