Educational Implications of International tribunals for the purposes and approach of the court
Subject Areas : EducationMahdireza Sadeghi 1 , seyed ghasem Zamani 2 *
1 - Ph.D Candidate in International Law, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor in law, Department of International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Teaching, punishment, court,
Abstract :
Introduction & Objective: The Ad Hoc International Criminal tribunals paid special attention to the purposes of punishment, both normatively and procedurally. The Statute and Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court do not mention the purposes of punishment but the common goals of the two courts provide the Court to follow of Ad Hoc international criminal tribunals model of punishment. The aim of the present study is to research the extent to which the Court's influence on the purposes of punishment in the light of the teachings and findings of Ad Hoc international criminal tribunals in a descriptive and analytical manner. Methodology: This research is a quantitative research and applied in terms of purpose and also it has a descriptive -Analytical method. Library studies used to collect information such as theoretical foundations and research background. The Case information is obtained from cases heard by the International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Results: The Purposes of punishment have not been identified in the documents of the International Criminal Court but However, the Court's proceeding have addressed the issue of the purposes of punishment and have used the model of the International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda in practice. Conclusion: The common goals and issues of the International Criminal Court and Ad Hoc international criminal tribunals, and in particular the connection of these courts with international peace and security, allow the Court to, in the light of a logical connection and purposeful intentions, be able to follow the case law of the Ad Hoc International Criminal tribunals in relation to Use punishment purposes; An approach that not only contrary to rule but also agrees with the rule and helps the court to compensate for its normative shortcomings in the light of judicial procedure.
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