Factors affecting technology accepnatce based on Davise model in FarsEducation
Subject Areas : Educationزهرا سرچهانی 1 * , فخرالسادات نصیری ولیک بنی 2 , محمد رضا اردلان 3 , mojtaba sarchahani 4
1 - مدرس دانشکاه فرهنگیان فارس، پردیس شهید رجایی، گروه علوم تربیتی، شیراز، ایران
2 - دانشیاردانشگاه بوعلی سینا، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، گروه علوم تربیتی، همدان، ایران
3 - دانشیاردانشگاه بوعلی سینا، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، گروه علوم تربیتی، همدان، ایران
4 - کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت آموزشی، اداره آموزش و پرورش ناحیه 2شیراز، ایران
Keywords: technology acceptance model, personnel, FARS Education Office,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was analysis of technology. The study involved all the Directorate General of Education Employees in the academic year of 2013-2014. According to Morgan Table. and by using stratified sampling, 165 people were sampled. In order to enhance the statistical power, 188 questionnaires were distributed and collected.. In order to collect data, Technology acceptance questionnaires were used. The validity of questionnaires according to the experts' ideas and its reliability according to the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient were considered and approved(0/896). In order to analyze data, Structural equation modeling techniques were used. The findings indicated that perceived usefulness and perceived usefulness, attitude to affect and attitudes to use and decided to use as mediators can influence the acceptance and use of technology. Based on the data analysis, the proposed conceptual model in this population is appropriate based on the goodness of fit. Consequently it is applicable to the population under study.
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