A phenomenological study of the experiences of PhD educated teachers from their encounter with human resource-based services
Subject Areas :
داود طهماسب زاده شیخلار
majid ebadi sharaf abad
1 - استادیار برنامه ریزی درسی، دانشکده روانشناسی و علوم تربیتی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران
2 - phd student
Received: 2017-03-02
Accepted : 2019-03-17
Published : 2019-05-22
phenomenological study,
human power maintenance,
teacher experiences,
Abstract :
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the teachers' experiences getting high academic studies over the maintenance services based on human power. The research method is qualitative and phenomenological. Participants in this study were teachers with PhD degree in Marand education office who were selected by purposeful sampling and its number continued with respect to the nature of the qualitative research to theoretical saturation of data (8 people). The data were collected through a semi-structured, deep interview. The method of data analysis was the method of coding the subject with using the seven-step method. The validity of the present study was an internal type of validity, so that the data were analyzed by both authors of the article in order to rebuild the reality. Then, the data and interpretation of them were made available to the teachers themselves who participated in the study to confirm the accuracy of the data and the interpretation. In order to increase the research's reliability, the interviews were conducted with an earlier program in an appropriate atmosphere and observing the interviewing conditions with necessary guidance and away from bias and personal conduct. . About 16 sub-themes were extracted through partial concepts maintaining respectively within the main theme (job satisfaction, meritocracy, job promotion and organizational commitment). Based on our findings, lack of job promotion considerations, lack of meritocracy and job satisfaction are correlated with the teachers' resignation despite their organizational commitment and job concern. So, we can say that there needs to be a change in the current structure and organization of education in line with the system of meritocracy and the reduction of bureaucracy and the strengthening of participatory governance.
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