A phenomenological reflection on the understanding of research from the perspective of faculty members
Subject Areas : Educationsharare mohammadi 1 , jamal salimi 2 * , naser shirbagi 3
1 - Ph.D. student. University of Kurdistan, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Education, Kurdistan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, University of Kurdistan, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Education, Kurdistan, Iran.
3 - Professor, University of Kurdistan, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Education, Kurdistan, Iran.
Keywords: Science Production, Productivity, Research, Researcher,
Abstract :
Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify the experiences and perceptions of faculty members about the concept of research. research methodology: The approach of interpretive research and its strategy was phenomenology and the field of research of Kurdistan, Hamedan, Kermanshah and Ilam universities. The sample size reached 15 people using semi-structured interview tools and with maximum diversity according to the criterion of theoretical saturation, which were selected by purposive sampling method and data were collected and by means of harmonization method. Data validation verified. Data analysis was performed with a descriptive-analytical approach using coding at both open and axial levels with the help of MAXQDA software. Findings: The results include four basic concepts and categories of research as a technical act, research as an individual action, research as a social action and research as a value. Each category has sub-components. Achieving all-round development and progress is not possible without proper use of research findings, so decision-making in decision-making systems requires that a suitable environment for the growth and development of researchers is a priority.
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