The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Method of Problem Solving and University Students' General Health in Islamic Azad University, Zone 12
Subject Areas : Educational management
Keywords: emotional intelligence,
Abstract :
The aim of present investigation is to observe the relationship between emotional intelligence and method of problem solving and student general health in Islamic Azad University, Zone 12. The statistical population of this investigation includes all university students of Islamic Azad University which were studying in the first semester of academic year of 1388-1389. The method of sampling conducted was simple random sampling. Applying Morgan table , 384 subjects from the branches of Roodehen, Parand, Ghazvin, and Karaj. The research tools were emotional intelligence and general health questionnaires. The related index of Alpha Kronbach appeared to be 0.92, 0.84 respectively. The results of the study showed that there is no relationship between emotional intelligence and general health.
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