Determining the relationship between happiness and anger control skills and job satisfaction of managers and employees of Tehran Welfare Organization
Subject Areas : Educational managementmelina mortazavi 1 , Mohammad R Rasouli Azad 2
1 - uneversity roudehen azad
2 - Information Sciences & Knowledge Studies, IAU Roudehen Branch, Roudehen, IRAN
Keywords: anger control, Job Satisfaction, happiness, welfare organization, Tehran,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between control skills of happiness and anger with job satisfaction of managers and staff in Tehran Welfare Organization. The research has been conducted in a descriptive survey-correlation method. The statistical population of the study included all managers and employees in Tehran Welfare Organization, numbering 527 people, of which 221 people were selected using the Cochran's formula as the sample size. Oxford Questionnaires for Happiness, Hajati, Akbarzadeh and Khosravi Questionnaires for anger control (2008) and Field and Ruth, Job Satisfaction Questionnaires were used to collect data. The validity of the research was confirmed by the professors and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the instrument. Descriptive and inferential statistics (central indicators, Pearson and Spearman correlation tests) and SPSS software version 22 were used to analyze the findings. Findings show that there is a direct and significant relationship between happiness skills and their job satisfaction of Tehran Welfare Organization employees. There is also a direct and significant relationship between anger management skills and job satisfaction of Tehran welfare staff.Keywords: Happiness, Anger Control, Job Satisfaction, Welfare Organization, Tehran