Design and development of a comprehensive performance management model based on a process-based approach in three layers (individual, group and organizational) in government agencies
Subject Areas : Educational managementtaghi mohammadi 1 * , Nader Bohlouli 2 , jafar bekzad 3 , Gholamreza Rahimi 4
1 - 1Ph. D Candidate of Human Resource Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad university, Bonab, Iran(
2 - Null
3 - Asistant Professor Public Management, Departmant of Management & Accounting , Bonab Branch , Islamic Azad University , Bonab , Iran
4 - Null
Keywords: performance management, Individual Dimensions, Group Dimensions, Organizational Dimensions and Process-Based Approach,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to design a comprehensive system of organizational performance management based on a process-based approach in three layers (individual, group and organizational) in government organizations. This research has been done in the framework of a qualitative approach and using the data research method of the foundation. The statistical population of the research is academic and executive experts, as well as in the implementation of the model of all experts, heads and managers of West Azerbaijan province. Statistical sample was interviewed using purposeful sampling including 12 university experts and 8 organizational experts familiar with performance appraisal. The research was designed. The results of this section have led to the identification of 27 components in the organizational section, 8 components in the individual section and 5 components in the group section. The research results showed that individual dimensions included (motivation, communication, growth and learning, ability development, achievement of individual goals, creativity and innovation), group dimensions including (group participation, achievement of group goals, team creativity) and The organizational dimension includes (human resource management, internal processes, customers and stakeholders, financial performance, achievement of organizational goals, quality of service delivery, flexibility)