Presenting a Model for Learning While Working Teachers’
Subject Areas : Educational management
Ala Solaleh Nouri
Parivash Jafari
Nader ghourchian
1 - Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Educational Management Department
3 - Professor of Educational Management Department
Keywords: Learning while working, Causal Conditions, Context conditions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to provide a model for Learning while working teachers’ in schools based on religiously motivated schools with six decades of history.In this qualitative study, a systematic version of the method for producing the grounded theory and the proposed paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin have been used to facilitate the presentation of the model. The data were mainly collected from semi from teachers to experts and university professors. The data are analyzed through open, pivotal, and selective coding steps and are categorized into five components, along with the core phenomenon of this study, “School as the center of Learning While Working of teachers”. These components, which their identification make sense of the model, are: “Causal factors” including individual characteristics and occupational characteristics; “Context conditions” including organizational characteristics, quantity and quality of training courses and organizational support; “Mediating conditions” including social and cultural conditions, economic factors, technology factors; “Strategies” including learning processes of individual, group and organizational and training courses and “Outcomes” including Individual outcomes, School outcomes and outcomes for the community. The credibility of this research is due to the full familiarity of the researcher with the repeated revision of the coding and triangulation steps. Trust of data (Stability and Coordination) is confirmed with the repetition of codes in two sets of schools. This model can be used as a basis for promoting the Learning While Working of schools studied and similar schools, and introduce realistic ideas to relevant policy makers.