Quality of Health Care Services Assessment Based on Patient Satisfaction According to the SERVQUAL Model in the Context of a Systematic Review Article
Subject Areas : Educational management
Ali Maher
Alireza Felegari
1 - Healthcare Services Management, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Healthcare Services Management, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: SERVQUAL Model, Satisfaction, Quality, Hospital, treatment,
Abstract :
The philosophy underlying the existence of hospitals is patients. Therefore, their needs supply and expectations are among the most important tasks of these centers. Patient satisfaction is considered as a reliable tool for reviewing and evaluating the quality of care received from them. the research conducted in the field of quality of service survey, and satisfaction of patients in hospitals of the country. To this end, research has been carried out on the topic. There are several models to measure patient satisfaction. One of these models is the “SERVQUAL Model”. SERVQUAL is a reliable tool for qualitative evaluation of services. In comparison with other quality assessment methods, it has advantages such as adapting its dimensions to various types of service errors, the relative importance of its five dimensions in perceiving the quality of services by patients, and the ability to analysis on the basis of demographic characteristics and other fields. In the current study, a total of 20 articles related to service quality measurement based on the SERVQUAL Model were selected and reviewed. By measuring the level of gaps in each dimension of the Servqual Model and aggregating the results, the highest and lowest gaps in the five dimensions of the model were obtained demonstrating that the most significant gaps in the research studies were related to tenseness, empathy, assurance (reliability), accountability and trust. It seems that managers of health care centers can use the results of a constructive effort to reduce gaps and increase patient satisfaction.