Integrated model for supply, production and distribution the products in the lean supply chain and solving it with genetic and frog leaping algorithms
Subject Areas : Environmental Toxicology
morteza jabale
Hossein Ali Hassan pour
1 - M.Sc., Department of Industrial Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran (Correspondence Officer)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Logistics Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: supply, production and distribution planning, Lean supply chain network, genetic algorithm and Frog leaping,
Abstract :
Supply chains express the sequence of steps related to the production process, from procurement of raw materials to deliver final products to the customer market. In this research, an integrated mathematical model is used for planning, supply, production and distribution of the products in a lean supply chain network. The proposed model regarding the inventory holding level of products and making contract, reduces the total cost of the supply chain. The desired supply chain has several raw materials and products, with four layers of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers in several periods. The proposed model, plan for making contracts for suppliers and manufacturers and show in which periods they should make contracts. The GAMS program is used for mathematical model validation. Then, two meta-heuristics algorithms including genetic algorithm and Frog leaping algorithm is proposed and Meta-heuristics algorithms and GAMS`s results are Compared to validate proposed algorithms. In the End using sensitivity analysis, model`s behavior for changing primal parameters of the problem is Analyzed.