A comparative study of the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells on polycystic ovary syndrome in various animal models
Subject Areas : Developmental biology of plants and animals , development and differentiation in microorganisms
Umeh Leila Bakhshi
Seyed Gholam Ali Jorsaraei
Ramzan Khanbabaeia
Maryam Gholamitabar tabari
Seyedeh Zahra Babazadeh
1 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
2 - Department of Anatomical Siences. Faculty of Medicine. Babol University of Medical Siensces. BABOL. Iran
3 - Department of Biology, Qaemshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran.
4 - Health Reproductive Research Center, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
5 - Departement of Anatomical Siences .Faculty of Medicine ,.Babol university of Medical Siensces. BABOLl.Iran
Keywords: Infertility, Mesenchymal stem cells, animal model, Polycystic ovary syndrome, stem-cell therapy,
Abstract :
Infertility is a global health problem. One of the main causes of infertility in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Different methods are used to treat such people. Using stem cells and its products can be a good alternative for its treatment. There are different models for inducing PCOS in animal models. Mesenchymal stem cells reduce ovarian dysfunction in PCOS mice. Tail injection of BM-MSC will improve the process of folliculogenesis. Intraovarian injection of BM-Hmsc and UC-MSC mesenchymal stem cells improves the process of folliculogenesis. AMSCs mesenchymal stem cell injection is associated with a positive result in fertility. MSC-EV stem cells improve fertility and increase folliculogenesis. One of the main causes of infertility in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The use of cell therapy for various diseases including PCOS is considered. The use of MSC in the treatment of infertility is in its preclinical research stages. The safety and efficacy of MSCs in the treatment of infertility needs further investigation. In this study, we have compared the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells on polycystic ovary syndrome in various animal models.
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