• AHARI.hamed The analysis of Gasy and noneGasy Beverages’ Caps in Tehran Province with Respect to microbial Load and Comparing them with Nano Antibacterial Caps [ Vol.6, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1388]


  • Rasoli.Sohrab Seroepidemiologic study of toxoplasmosis incidence in Urmia population by using the Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) [ Vol.6, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1388]


  • Sabokbar.Azar Antibacterial activity evaluation of Ephedra Major Host acetonic, aqueous and alcoholic extracts against standard strains of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and S. pyogenes [ Vol.6, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1388]