Optimize the linearity of the third harmonic effect In broadband amplifiers in 130nm CMOS technology using bandwidth
Subject Areas : Electronics Engineering
roya mallaki
mohammad ali riazi
najmeh cheraghi shirazi
1 - electrical engineering, Islamic Azad University Bushehr Branch, Bushehr, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
Abstract :
This paper presents a broadband low noise amplifier (Low Noise Amplifier is the first block in a post-antenna telecommunication receiver and its role is to amplify the weak signal received by the antenna by adding minimum noise to it, thereby minimizing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).)using a new technique to optimize the linearity and third order harmonic effect. The third order distortion elimination technique was performed using the transistor body effect in a common gate differential amplifier, while the amplifier investigated compared to previous work improved the power consumption in addition to IIP3. Cadence IC Design tools and 130 nm technology were used for the simulation. Simulations show that the circuit has reached a minimum noise value of 68.3 dB and a gain of 19.15 dB. It also has a power consumption of 9 mW, while the circuit uses a 1.2V power supply. IIP3 is also achieved at 6GHz at 20MHz, with a frequency of 1.9 dBm.
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_||_[1] W.-H.Chen, G.Liu, B.Zdravko, A.M.Niknejad(2008), ''A highly linear broadband CMOS LNA employing noise and distortion cancellation, ,,IEEE J.Solid-StateCircuits43 (5) 1164–1176.
[2] D. Im, I.Nam, H.Kim and K.Lee, “A wideband CMOS low-noise amplifier employing noise and IM2 distortion cancellation for a digital TV tuner”, IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits,vol. 44,no.3,pp.686–698,2009.
[3]B. Mazhab Jafari and M. Yavari, “A UWB CMOS low-noise amplifier with noise reduction and linearity improvement techniques,” Microelectronics J., vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 198–206,2015.
[4] S. Shekhar and J.S.Walling,D.J.Allstot, “BandwidthextensiontechniquesforCMOS amplifiers,” IEEEJ.Solid-StateCircuits,vol.41,no.11,pp.2424–2438,2006.
[5] T.W.Kim, B.Kim and K.Lee, “Highly linear receiver front-end adopting MOSFET transconductance linearization by multiple gated transistors,” IEEE J. Solid- State Circuits, vol.39,no.1,pp.223–229,2004.
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[8] H. Zhang, X.Fan and E.Sanchez-Sinencio, “A low-power, linearized, ultra-wideband LNA design technique,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.44,no.2,pp.320–330,2009.
[9]Y.S.Youn, J.H.Chang, K.J.Koh, Y.J.Lee and H.K.Yu, “A 2GHz 16dBm IIP3 low noise amplifier in 0.25 mm CMOS technology,” in: Proceedings of the IEEE ISSCC Digest TechnicalPapers,2003, pp.452–453.
[10] V. Aparin and L.E.Larson, “Modified derivative super position method for linearizing FET low-noise amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Microw.TheoryTec,.vol.53,no.2, pp.571–581,2005.
[11] S. Ganesan, E.Sánchez-Sinencio and J.Silva-Martinez “A highly linear low noise amplifier,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech nol. Vol.54,no.12, pp.4079–4085,2006.
[12] N. Kim, V.Aparin, K.Barnett, C.Persico, “Acellular-band CDMA 0.25 mm CMOS LNA linearized using active post-distortion,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.41,no.7, pp.1530–1534,2006.
[13] A. Mirvakili, M. Yavari and F.Raissi “A linear current-reused LNA for 3.1–10.6GHz UWB receivers,” IEICEElectron.Express,vol.5,no.21, pp.908–914,2008.
[14] J. Kaukovuori, M.Kaltiokallio and J.Ryynänen “Analysis and design of common- gate low-noise amplifier for wideband applications,” Int.J.CircuitTheoryAppl. pp.37257–37281,2009.
[15] P.-F.Ye,T.-S.Horng,J.-M.Wu“Two CMOS dual-feedback common-gate low-noise amplifiers with wideband input and noise matching,” IEEETrans. Microw.TheoryTechnolvol..61,no.10, pp.3690–3699,2013.
[16] J.W.Park and B.Razavi, “Aharmonic-rejecting CMOS LNA for broadband radios,” IEEE J.Solid-StateCircuits,vol.48,no.4, pp.1072–1084,2013.
[17]Y. Lee, N. Seong, Y. Jang and J. Choi “Design of Folded-cascode UWB Low Noise Amplifier with Low Power Consumption”, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT),2011, pp. 214-217.
[18] M.S. Mehrjoo and M.Yavari “A new input matching technique for ultra-wideband LNAs,” IEICE Electron .Express,vol.7, no.18, 1376–1381,2010.
[19] M.S. Mehrjoo and M.Yavari “A low power UWB very low noise amplifier using an improved noise reduction technique,” IEEEInt.CircuitsSyst.Symp.(ISCAS), 2011, pp.277–280.
[20] G. Sapone and G.Palmisano “A 3–10-GHz low-power cmos low-noise amplifier for ultra-wide band communication ,” IEEETrans.Microw.TheoryTechnol, vol.59, pp.678–686,2011.
[21] M. Khurramm and S.M.RezaulHasan, “peaked noise matched gm-boosted 3.1–10.6GHz CGCMOS differential LNA for UWB WiMedia,” IETElectron.Lett. vol.47,no.2, pp. 1346–1348, 2011.
[23] J.-F.Chang and Y.-S.Lin “3.2–9.7 GHz ultra-wide band low-noise amplifier with excellent stop-band rejection,” IETElectron.Lett.vol.48, pp.44–45,2012.
[24] J.M.Dores,E.C.Becerra-Alvarez,M.A.Martins,J.M.delaRosa and J.R.Fernandez, “Efficient biasing circuits trategies for inductorless wideband lownoise amplifiers with feedback”, Microelectron. J.,vol.43, pp.714–720,2012.
[25] J. Shim,T.Yang and J.Jeong, “Design of lowpower CMOS ultra wideband lownoise amplifier using noise canceling technique,” Microelectron.J., vol.44, no.9, pp.821–826, 2013.
[26] H. Alavi-Rad, S.Ziabakhsh and M.Yagoub “A 1.2V CMOS common-gate lownoise amplifier for UWB wireless communications,JCircuitsSyst.Comput., vol.22, pp.1–11,2013.
[27] Z. Li,L.Chen,Z.Wang,C.Wu,J.Cao,M.Zhang,C.Wang,Y.Liu and Z.Wang “Low-noise andhigh-gain wideband LNA with gm-boosting technique,” IET Electron. Lett. Vol.49, no.18, pp.1126-1128,2013.