Analysis and simulation of temperature distribution on the roller body during the hot rolling process
Subject Areas : Journal of New Applied and Computational Findings in Mechanical Systems
Amirheshmat Khedmati Bazkiaei
Ali Sozangar
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering. Islamic Azad University. Sousangerd. Iran
2 - Mechanical engineering, Iran National Steel Industrial Group
Keywords: Heat Distribution, Finite elements method, The rolling process,
Abstract :
The rolling industry is the most common and prosperous method of producing metal products. The first goal of the rolling process is to reduce the cross-sectional area or the thickness of the workpiece, this process is done in two ways, hot and cold rolling, the metal passes between two rollers to take the shape of the groove (calibre) of the roller, so the rolling rollers of the components They are essential in climbing factories. This research aims to analyze heat transfer in hot rolling conditions and find the heat distribution in rolling rollers using the finite element method. The simulation is non-linear and assumes that the roller is homogeneous, isotropic, and without cracks and thermal strain. And the ambient temperature is considered negligible. The heat distribution in the roller in this research has been obtained in two ways using the spray cooling system and without using this system, and then the results obtained from the finite element simulation have been verified with the extracted experiment data, The highest percentage of relative error in prediction was 08.334%, which indicated the matching of the results obtained from the numerical solution with the extracted data.
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