Numerical investigation of the effect of elliptical spiral tube diameter ratio on corrosion in two-phase water and sand flow
Subject Areas : Journal of New Applied and Computational Findings in Mechanical SystemsMahmood Sohrabifar 1 , Hassan Kavoosi 2 *
1 - Mechanic, Azad university, Izeh, Iran
2 -
Keywords: two-phase , diameter ratio , disturbance intensity , corrosion,
Abstract :
In this research, the numerical solution of the effect of the two-phase flow of water and sand in the turbulent flow regime inside the spiral pipe has been investigated by simulation using Fluent commercial software, and the results are related to various parameters of the flow, such as vertical pressure on the surface, wear intensity, and turbulence intensity. , the kinetic energy of turbulence has been investigated and analyzed.. Based on this model, the effect of the pitch and diameter ratio of the oval tube was investigated and the results obtained are as follows. By increasing the diameter ratio of the spiral pipe at a speed of 25 m/s from 1.25 to 2, the amount of kinetic energy, turbulence intensity, vertical pressure, turbulence viscosity and wear rate increase by 34, 15, 1900, 21 and 120%, respectively. Also, in the diameter ratio 1.25 By changing the speed from 10 m/s to 25 m/s, the said specifications will change by 463, 137, 14, 317 and 490% respectively.
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