Antibacterial survey of different extracts of Peganum harmala L. different parts in North east of Golestan province (Inche Borun)
Subject Areas : Geneticمعصومه Mazandarani 1 * , E.A Ghaemi 2 , فاطمه Ghaffari 3
1 - Assistant professor of Botany, Islamic Azad University of Gorgan- branch
2 - Associated professor of microbiology, Golestan University of medical sciences infectious disises research center
3 - Islamic Azad University of Gorgan- branch
Keywords: Golestan province, Seed, Root, Anti bacterial, Peganum harmala L, Different extracts, Inch Borun,
Abstract :
Peganum harmala L. belongs to Zigophyllaceae family is one of the most important medicine plants with wild distribution in stepic and semi stepic of Golestan province. In this research, after phenology ethnopharmacological data obtained from turkman rural people. Different parts of plant were collected in May to late of September 2008 in dry stepic region of North east of Golestan province (Inche Borun). Aqueous, infusion and ethanolic extract were obtained by percolation method and their antibacterial effect was evaluated by disc diffusion and well methods. Inhibition zone after 24h incubation of 37 and their antibacterial activity were assessed by Pearson chi-square (P<0.05). Ethnopharmacological data in this research showed, it has been used by the Turkmen rural healers in North east of Golestan province as strong anti air infection, sedative, anti bacterial and skin inflammation to treatment fungal, gastro intestinal infection and dysmenorrhea. Ethanol extracts of root and seeds had the most efficacy against tested bacteria, especially in well method (P<0.001), another extracts had no any antibacterial effect. 78.8% of gram positive and negative bacteria (Bacillus licheniformis, Staphylococcus epidermisis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus loteus, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysentria) were the most sensitive bacteria against ethanol extract, but gram negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeroginosa and Proteus loteus were the most resistant bacteria (P<0.001). Rural people were interested to take seed and smok for air disinfection, sedative and calming, can be a good candid for chemical analysis of antibacterial activity in animal and clinical models for formulation and production of natural antibacterial drug.
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