Determination Of Secondary Materials In Leaves And Orange Fruit (Thompson) In Four Geographical Directions Crown Of The Tree In Golestan Province
Subject Areas : GeneticSaeed Danesh 1 * , Khodayar Hemmati 2 , Sadegh Atashi 3
1 - Department of Medicinal Plants, General Department of Education, Golestan Province, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Keywords: HPLC, Spectrophotometer, Orange, geographical direction, secondary substances,
Abstract :
Orange (Citrus sinensis L.) is a tree of which leaves, flowers, fruit and fruit skin lesions have been used in different industries including cosmetics, health and food industries. Orange fruit rich in vitamin C and other active substances such as phenols and flavonoids, which is the very useful for human health.The aim of this study was to investigate the different secondary substances in leaves and fruits (Thompson) in four geographical directions of tree crown. Treatments, including four geographical crown directions (north, south, east and west) and two different organs: leaves and fruit.This study was carried out using the factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications. Biochemical parameters contents of total phenol, total flavonoids, antioxidants, total soluble sugar, Naringin and hesperidin were assessed. The amount of phenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity and total soluble sugar was measured by spectrophotometer. The amount of Naringin and hesperidin was measured by HPLC.Based on the results, The highest rate of total soluble sugar was observed in the result of interaction of the eastern direction and fruit. The highest rate of Naringin And Hesperidin was observed in the interaction of southern direction and fruit.The highest rate of phenol were observed in interaction of western direction and fruit. The highest rate of flavonoid was in interaction between eastern direction and fruit. The highest total antioxidant activity was in interaction between eastern direction and fruit.according to the results of this experiment, it has been specified that geographical directions of south and east have the maximum effect on the biochemistry characteristics and fruit organ, This may be due to the better and more light received in these parts of the tree canopy.
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Martin, Ja¨ Kel. and Elke, A. )2010(. The citrus flavonoids hesperidin and naringin do not affect serum cholesterol in moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women1–3. The Journal of Nutrition. 140: 1615-1620.
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Goli, Z., Lakzai, M. and Puramir, M. (2010). Antioxidant Activity of Orange Peel Extract and Its Effect on the Oxidation of Raw and Cooked Fish Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology. 5(2):19-26.
Hemmati, Kh., Ghasman Nejad, A., Mashayekhi, K. and Bashiri Sadr, Z. )2012(. Study of the effect of habitat on the amount of some flavonoid compounds (Tilia platifolia L.). Journal of Crop Production Research. 19(2): 141-148.
Hemmati, Kh., Shabani, A., Bashiri Sadr, Z. and Akbarpour, V. )2014(. Influence of geographical direction of tree crown on orange and hesperidin flavonoids on immature fruits of four citrus species. Journal of Ecophytochemistry of Medicinal Plants. 2(2): 10-19.
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Hemmati, Kh. and Omidbaigi, R. )2005(. Determination of Naringin in different developmental stages Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisii Macf). Journal Of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 10(2): 65-72.
Hemmati, Kh. and Paghous, M. )2015(. Geographical Direction effect of tree crown on some secondary metabolites of sour orange leaf in golestan province (Kalaleh city). 4th Nnational Congress of Medicinal Plants. Tehran. 1476-1490
Jalili Marandi, R. )2001(. Planting Fruit. pp. 191-196. FL: Urmia University Jihad Publications. ISBN: 9789646032231
Jin, P., Zheng, H.Y., Cheng, M.C., Gao, Y.H., Chen, X.W. and Chen, J.H. )2010(. Effect of Methyl jasmonate treatment on fruit decay and quality in peaches during storage at ambient temperature. International Society for Horticultural Science Acta Horticultur. 712: 711-716.
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Martinez-Romero, D., Castillo, S., Serrano, M., Valverde, J. M., Guillen, F. and Valero, D. (2005). The use of natural aromatic essential oils helps to maintain postharvest quality of Crimson table grapes. Acta Horticultuare. 682: 1723-1727.
McCready, R. M., Guggolz, J., Silviera, V. and Owens, H.S. )1950(. Determination of starch and amylose in vegetables. Analytical Chemistry. 22: 1156–1158.
McDonald, S., Prenzler, P.D., Antolovich, M. and Robards, K. )2001(. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of olive extracts. Food Chemistry. 73(1): 73-84.
Mphahlele, R., Stander, A., Fawole, A. and Opara, U. (2014). Effect of fruit maturity and growing location on the postharvest contents of flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin C and antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice (cv. Wonderful). Scientia Horticulturae. 179: 36-45.
Omidbaigi, R. )2005(. Production and Processing of Medicinal Plants. FL: Astan Quds Razavi Publications. ISBN: 978-964-02-0359-9.
Omidbaigi, R. and Hemmati, Kh. )2005(. Determination of Naringin in different developmental stages Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisii Macf). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 10(2): 65-72.
Rainey Sarajaz, M. and Sheikh Soghanloo, S. )2014(. Investigation of the effect of geographical location and position of fruit on canopy on qualitative characteristics of sangy orange fruit.. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2(1):57-63.
Saffari, B. and Akhavan, H.R. )2018). Effects of Location in the Tree Canopy on Some Quality Characteristics of Fresh Pistachio Fruit. Journal of Nuts. 9(2): 135-145.
Sepehrifar, R. and Hassanloo, T. )2009(. Evaluation of polyphenolic compounds, total anthocyanins and flavonoids and antioxidant properties of Cranberry (Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.) collected from four different regions of Iran. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 3(2): 199-205.
Singh, S. and Singh, R.P. )2008(. In vitro methods of Aassay of antioxidants: an overview. Food Reviews International. 24(4): 392-415.
Srivastava, A.W. and Shym, S. )2002(. Citrus: Climate and soil. FL: International Book Distributing Company. 559 pages. ISBN: 81858608079788185860800.
Unuk, T., Tijskens, L., Germsek, B., Zadravek, P., Vogrin, A., Heribar, J., Simcic, M., Tojnko, S. (2012). Effect of location in the canopy on the colour development of three apple cultivars during growth. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 92(12): 2450-2458.
Xiao, X., Xu, X. and Yang, F. (2008). Adaptive responses to progressive drought stress in two Populus cothayana populations. Silva Fennica, 42: 705-719.
Zandalinas, S., Sales, C., Beltran, J., Cadenas, A. and Arbona, V. )2010(. Activation of Secondary Metabolism in Citrus Plants Is Associated to Sensitivity to Combined Drought and High Temperatures. Journal of Frontiers in Plant Sci. 6(1): 73-78.
_||_Chang, C.C., Yang M.H. and Wen H.M. and Chern, J.C. )2002(. Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods, Journal of Food Aand Frug Analysis. 10(3): 178-182.
Martin, Ja¨ Kel. and Elke, A. )2010(. The citrus flavonoids hesperidin and naringin do not affect serum cholesterol in moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women1–3. The Journal of Nutrition. 140: 1615-1620.
Dimitri, R., Xia, R. and Hu, L. )2010(. Antioxidant activity and oxygen-scavenging system in orange pulp during fruit ripening and maturation. Scientia Horticulturae, 113: 166-172.
Emamiyan tabarestani, M., Farahmand, E., Pirdashti, H. and yaghoobian, Y. )2019(. The effect of light intensity in response to cold stress on vegetative and physiological traits (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Stevia medicinal plant. Journal of Plant Production Research. 26(3): 1-20.
Esna-ashari, M. and Zokaee khosroshahi, M. (2008). Polyamines and Horticultural Sciences, pp. 188, FL: Bu Ali Sina University Press.
Fatahi Moghaddam, G. and Fotouhi Ghazvini, R. )2010(. Citrus cultivation in Iran. FL:Guilan University Press. pp.152-163. Third edition.
Fengjuan, F., Mingjun, L., Fengwang, M. and Lailiang, Ch. )2014(. Effects of location within the tree canopy on carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and phenolic compounds in the fruit peel and flesh from three apple (Malus domestica) cultivars. Npg. Nanjing Agricultural University. 165:123-131
Goli, Z., Lakzai, M. and Puramir, M. (2010). Antioxidant Activity of Orange Peel Extract and Its Effect on the Oxidation of Raw and Cooked Fish Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology. 5(2):19-26.
Hemmati, Kh., Ghasman Nejad, A., Mashayekhi, K. and Bashiri Sadr, Z. )2012(. Study of the effect of habitat on the amount of some flavonoid compounds (Tilia platifolia L.). Journal of Crop Production Research. 19(2): 141-148.
Hemmati, Kh., Shabani, A., Bashiri Sadr, Z. and Akbarpour, V. )2014(. Influence of geographical direction of tree crown on orange and hesperidin flavonoids on immature fruits of four citrus species. Journal of Ecophytochemistry of Medicinal Plants. 2(2): 10-19.
Hemmati, Kh., Omidbiagi, R., Bashirisadre, Z. and Ebrahemi, Y. )2003(. Effect of climate and harvesting time in quantities and qualities flavonoids certain in Citrus cultivars. Ph.D. Thesis. Modarres University Publisher.
Hemmati, Kh. and Omidbaigi, R. )2005(. Determination of Naringin in different developmental stages Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisii Macf). Journal Of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 10(2): 65-72.
Hemmati, Kh. and Paghous, M. )2015(. Geographical Direction effect of tree crown on some secondary metabolites of sour orange leaf in golestan province (Kalaleh city). 4th Nnational Congress of Medicinal Plants. Tehran. 1476-1490
Jalili Marandi, R. )2001(. Planting Fruit. pp. 191-196. FL: Urmia University Jihad Publications. ISBN: 9789646032231
Jin, P., Zheng, H.Y., Cheng, M.C., Gao, Y.H., Chen, X.W. and Chen, J.H. )2010(. Effect of Methyl jasmonate treatment on fruit decay and quality in peaches during storage at ambient temperature. International Society for Horticultural Science Acta Horticultur. 712: 711-716.
Ladania, M.S. )2008(. Citrus Fruit: biology. Technology and Evaluation. Elsevier Inc., Atlanta, USA. 1-10.
Marten, S. (2007). Determination of naringin and hesperidin in fruit juices, HPLC. SMB. Osmometory. 1-4.
Martinez-Romero, D., Castillo, S., Serrano, M., Valverde, J. M., Guillen, F. and Valero, D. (2005). The use of natural aromatic essential oils helps to maintain postharvest quality of Crimson table grapes. Acta Horticultuare. 682: 1723-1727.
McCready, R. M., Guggolz, J., Silviera, V. and Owens, H.S. )1950(. Determination of starch and amylose in vegetables. Analytical Chemistry. 22: 1156–1158.
McDonald, S., Prenzler, P.D., Antolovich, M. and Robards, K. )2001(. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of olive extracts. Food Chemistry. 73(1): 73-84.
Mphahlele, R., Stander, A., Fawole, A. and Opara, U. (2014). Effect of fruit maturity and growing location on the postharvest contents of flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamin C and antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice (cv. Wonderful). Scientia Horticulturae. 179: 36-45.
Omidbaigi, R. )2005(. Production and Processing of Medicinal Plants. FL: Astan Quds Razavi Publications. ISBN: 978-964-02-0359-9.
Omidbaigi, R. and Hemmati, Kh. )2005(. Determination of Naringin in different developmental stages Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisii Macf). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 10(2): 65-72.
Rainey Sarajaz, M. and Sheikh Soghanloo, S. )2014(. Investigation of the effect of geographical location and position of fruit on canopy on qualitative characteristics of sangy orange fruit.. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2(1):57-63.
Saffari, B. and Akhavan, H.R. )2018). Effects of Location in the Tree Canopy on Some Quality Characteristics of Fresh Pistachio Fruit. Journal of Nuts. 9(2): 135-145.
Sepehrifar, R. and Hassanloo, T. )2009(. Evaluation of polyphenolic compounds, total anthocyanins and flavonoids and antioxidant properties of Cranberry (Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.) collected from four different regions of Iran. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 3(2): 199-205.
Singh, S. and Singh, R.P. )2008(. In vitro methods of Aassay of antioxidants: an overview. Food Reviews International. 24(4): 392-415.
Srivastava, A.W. and Shym, S. )2002(. Citrus: Climate and soil. FL: International Book Distributing Company. 559 pages. ISBN: 81858608079788185860800.
Unuk, T., Tijskens, L., Germsek, B., Zadravek, P., Vogrin, A., Heribar, J., Simcic, M., Tojnko, S. (2012). Effect of location in the canopy on the colour development of three apple cultivars during growth. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 92(12): 2450-2458.
Xiao, X., Xu, X. and Yang, F. (2008). Adaptive responses to progressive drought stress in two Populus cothayana populations. Silva Fennica, 42: 705-719.
Zandalinas, S., Sales, C., Beltran, J., Cadenas, A. and Arbona, V. )2010(. Activation of Secondary Metabolism in Citrus Plants Is Associated to Sensitivity to Combined Drought and High Temperatures. Journal of Frontiers in Plant Sci. 6(1): 73-78.