Effects of different organic fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Melissa officinalis L. under Glomus mosseae mycorrhizal symbiosis
Subject Areas : Genetic
Mostafa Koozehgar kaleji
Mohammad Reza Ardakani
1 - Department of Agronomy, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: foliar application, biofertilizer, Compost tea, Melissa officinalis L,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the effect of organic and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Melissa officinalis L. a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with 4 replications in the form of open air pot conditions in Sari, in 2015. The factors examined included Mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) (0 and10% of the pot volume), vermicompost (0 and 10% the pot volume), and compost tea (0 and 1.5 liter). Some characteristics such as number of flower, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium contents of aerial parts. Results showed that application of organic and mycorrhizal fertilizers had a significant impact on all measured characteristics and increased the number of flowers and fresh weight when compared with those of the control group so that the highest nitrogen concentration and the stem diameter were obtained from the combined mycorrhizal symbiosis, compost tea, and vermicomposting treatment. The triple interaction effects showed that the absence of vermicompost with compost tea, and mycorrhizal symbiosis treatments increased the fresh weight compared to the control. Results also indicated that using vermicomposting, compost tea, and mycorrhizal symbiosis through the availability of nutrients increased the yield and improved qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Melissa officinalis L..
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Amiri, M.B., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., and Jahan, M. (2016). Study the morphological characteristics affecting yield of Echium amoenum under different organic and chemical fertilizers and plant densities. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 47:55-69.
Atiyeh, R. M., Lee, S., Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. and Metzger, J.D. (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresource Technology. 84: 7-14.
Azizi, M., Baghani, M., Lakzian, A. and Aroei, H. (2005) .Effect of vermicompost and vermiwash foliar application on morphological characters and active ingredients content basil (Ocimum basilicum). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 21(2): 41-52. (In Persian).
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Bigonah, R., Rezvani Moghadam, P. and Jahan, M. (2015). Effect of different fertilizer management on certain quantitative and qualitative properties of medicinal plants Coriandrum sativum L. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 12(4):574-581.
Cardoso, I.M. and Kuyper, T.M. ( 2006). Mycorrhizal and tropical soil fertility. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 116: 72-84.
Cavender, ND., Atiyeh, RM. and knee. M. (2003). Vermicompost stimulates mycorrhizal colonization of roots of sorghum bicolor at the expense of plant growth. Pedobiologia. 47: 85-89.
Darzi, M.T., Ghalavand, A., Rejali, F. and Sefidkon, F. (2007). Effect of mycorrhiza, vermicompost and phosphate fertilizer on the quality and quantity of essential oil of fennel. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24: 396-413.
Emami, A. (1996). Methods of chemical analysis of plant. Technical publication, No. 982, (Vol.1), Soil and Water Research Institute, Tehran.p.91-128. (In Persian).
Farzaneh, M.,Wichmann, S., Vierheilig, H. and Kaul, H.P. (2009). The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen nutrition on growth of chickpea and barley. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. German Journal of Agronomy. 13:15-22.
Ghassemi Dehkordi, N. (2002). Iranian Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Vice-Chancellor in Food and Drugs Affairs Press.p. 795. (In Persian).
Ghazi Manas1, M., Sh. Banj Shafiee, SH., Hajseyd Hadi M.R., and Darzi., M.T. 2013. Effects of vermicompost and nitrogen on qualitative and quantitative yield of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.29:269-280.
Jat, RS. and Ahlawat., IPS. (2004). Effect of vermicompost, biofertilizer and phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by gram (Cicer arietinum) and their residual effect on fodder maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences. 74 (7): 359-361.
Jat, RS. and Ahlawat, IPS. (2006). Direct and residual effect of vermicompost, biofertilizers and phosphorus on soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of chickpea-fodder maize sequence. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 28(1): 41-54.
Jesus, D.L. (2003). Effect of artificial polyploidy in transformed roots of Artemisia annua L. . A thesis in Biotechnology,of Woreester polytechnic Institute, for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology .p. 111.
Joshee, N., Mentreddy, S.R. and Yadav, K.
(2007). Mycorrhizal fungi and growth and development of micropropagated Scutellaria integrifolia plants. Industrial Crops and Products. 25: 169-177.
Khoramdel, S., Kochaki, A., Nasiri-Mahalati, M. and Gorbani, R. (2010). The effects of biofertilizers on yield and yield components (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of agricultural research. 8(5):768-770.
Khoshvakht, T., Bahaduri, F., Khalighi, A. and Moez Ardalan, M. (2010). The effect of Rhizobacteria stimulus the growth on the macro elements and yield of aloe vera, greenhouse. Journal of Crop Physiology, Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz. 45-59.
Kiani, Z., Esmaeilpour, B., Hadian, J., Soltani Toolarood, A.A., and Fathololumi, S. (2014).
Effect of organic fertilizers on growth properties nuterient absorption and essential oil yield of medicinal plant of spearmint )Mentha spicata L)Journal of Plant Production Research . 4: 63-80.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R., Rezvani M. and Zaefarian, F. (2014). Qualitative and quantitiativa response of Eryngium caeruleum to Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Azotobacter and various levels of plant densities. Master thesis Agroecology Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R. 2017. The Application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of (Mentha spicata L) . Journal of Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology.1: 157-172.
Lynch, J.M. (2002). Resilience of the rhizosphere to anthropogenic disturbance. Biodegradation. 13: 21–27.
Motta, S. R. and Maggiore, T. (2013). Evaluation of nitrogen management in maize cultivation grown on soil amended with sewage sludge and urea. European Journal of Agronomy, 45, 59-67.
Nemati Darbandi, H., Azizi, M., Mohamadi, S. and Karim Poor, S. (2012). Study effect solution spraying vermicompost with different concentration morphological characteristics, percentage and oil yield of Lemonbalm (Melissa officinallis). Journal of Horticultural Science. 27(4): 411-417. (In Persian) .
Omidbaigi, R. (2011). Approaches to Production and Processing of Medicinal plants. Beh Nashr Press. p. 400. (In Persian).
Razvinia, M.S., Agha alikhani, M. and Naghadbadi, H.S. (2015). The effect of vermicompost manure and chemical fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characteristics (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench). Scientific-Research Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 31(2):357-373.
Recycled Organics Unite. (2003). Buvers’s Guide for Recycled Organics Product Information sheet 5-6, Recycled standards. Recycled Organic Unite, internet organics s. product categories and publication www.recycledorganics.com
Tahami Zarandi, SM.K., Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Jahan. M. (2014). Effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on growth indexes basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Journal of Agroecology. 5(4):363-372.
Tahami Zarandi, SM.K., Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Jahan, M. (2010). Comparison the effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on yield and essential oil percentage of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Journal of Agroecology. 2(1):70-82.
Taher, T., Golchin, A., Shafiei, S., and Sayfzadeh, S. (2013). Effect of nitrogen and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on growth and quantitative traits of tuberose (Polianthes tuberose L.). Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. 4(16):41-50.
Akhnevar, M., Bahmaniar, M.A., and Akbarpour, V.)2014(. The effect of different sources of fertilizer on the growth and yield of (Echinacea purpurea L.). Journal of Agroecology 6:266-274.
Amiri, M.B., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., and Jahan, M. (2016). Study the morphological characteristics affecting yield of Echium amoenum under different organic and chemical fertilizers and plant densities. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 47:55-69.
Atiyeh, R. M., Lee, S., Edwards, C.A., Arancon, N.Q. and Metzger, J.D. (2002). The influence of humic acids derived from earthworm-processed organic wastes on plant growth. Bioresource Technology. 84: 7-14.
Azizi, M., Baghani, M., Lakzian, A. and Aroei, H. (2005) .Effect of vermicompost and vermiwash foliar application on morphological characters and active ingredients content basil (Ocimum basilicum). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 21(2): 41-52. (In Persian).
Bremner, J.M. and Mulvaney, C.S. (1982). Nitrogen-Total. In: Page, A.L., Ed., Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Madison. 595-624.
Bigonah, R., Rezvani Moghadam, P. and Jahan, M. (2015). Effect of different fertilizer management on certain quantitative and qualitative properties of medicinal plants Coriandrum sativum L. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research. 12(4):574-581.
Cardoso, I.M. and Kuyper, T.M. ( 2006). Mycorrhizal and tropical soil fertility. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 116: 72-84.
Cavender, ND., Atiyeh, RM. and knee. M. (2003). Vermicompost stimulates mycorrhizal colonization of roots of sorghum bicolor at the expense of plant growth. Pedobiologia. 47: 85-89.
Darzi, M.T., Ghalavand, A., Rejali, F. and Sefidkon, F. (2007). Effect of mycorrhiza, vermicompost and phosphate fertilizer on the quality and quantity of essential oil of fennel. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24: 396-413.
Emami, A. (1996). Methods of chemical analysis of plant. Technical publication, No. 982, (Vol.1), Soil and Water Research Institute, Tehran.p.91-128. (In Persian).
Farzaneh, M.,Wichmann, S., Vierheilig, H. and Kaul, H.P. (2009). The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen nutrition on growth of chickpea and barley. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften. German Journal of Agronomy. 13:15-22.
Ghassemi Dehkordi, N. (2002). Iranian Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Vice-Chancellor in Food and Drugs Affairs Press.p. 795. (In Persian).
Ghazi Manas1, M., Sh. Banj Shafiee, SH., Hajseyd Hadi M.R., and Darzi., M.T. 2013. Effects of vermicompost and nitrogen on qualitative and quantitative yield of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.29:269-280.
Jat, RS. and Ahlawat., IPS. (2004). Effect of vermicompost, biofertilizer and phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by gram (Cicer arietinum) and their residual effect on fodder maize (Zea mays). Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences. 74 (7): 359-361.
Jat, RS. and Ahlawat, IPS. (2006). Direct and residual effect of vermicompost, biofertilizers and phosphorus on soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of chickpea-fodder maize sequence. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 28(1): 41-54.
Jesus, D.L. (2003). Effect of artificial polyploidy in transformed roots of Artemisia annua L. . A thesis in Biotechnology,of Woreester polytechnic Institute, for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology .p. 111.
Joshee, N., Mentreddy, S.R. and Yadav, K.
(2007). Mycorrhizal fungi and growth and development of micropropagated Scutellaria integrifolia plants. Industrial Crops and Products. 25: 169-177.
Khoramdel, S., Kochaki, A., Nasiri-Mahalati, M. and Gorbani, R. (2010). The effects of biofertilizers on yield and yield components (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of agricultural research. 8(5):768-770.
Khoshvakht, T., Bahaduri, F., Khalighi, A. and Moez Ardalan, M. (2010). The effect of Rhizobacteria stimulus the growth on the macro elements and yield of aloe vera, greenhouse. Journal of Crop Physiology, Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz. 45-59.
Kiani, Z., Esmaeilpour, B., Hadian, J., Soltani Toolarood, A.A., and Fathololumi, S. (2014).
Effect of organic fertilizers on growth properties nuterient absorption and essential oil yield of medicinal plant of spearmint )Mentha spicata L)Journal of Plant Production Research . 4: 63-80.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R., Rezvani M. and Zaefarian, F. (2014). Qualitative and quantitiativa response of Eryngium caeruleum to Mycorrhizal symbiosis, Azotobacter and various levels of plant densities. Master thesis Agroecology Islamic Azad University Karaj Branch.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R. 2017. The Application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of (Mentha spicata L) . Journal of Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology.1: 157-172.
Lynch, J.M. (2002). Resilience of the rhizosphere to anthropogenic disturbance. Biodegradation. 13: 21–27.
Motta, S. R. and Maggiore, T. (2013). Evaluation of nitrogen management in maize cultivation grown on soil amended with sewage sludge and urea. European Journal of Agronomy, 45, 59-67.
Nemati Darbandi, H., Azizi, M., Mohamadi, S. and Karim Poor, S. (2012). Study effect solution spraying vermicompost with different concentration morphological characteristics, percentage and oil yield of Lemonbalm (Melissa officinallis). Journal of Horticultural Science. 27(4): 411-417. (In Persian) .
Omidbaigi, R. (2011). Approaches to Production and Processing of Medicinal plants. Beh Nashr Press. p. 400. (In Persian).
Razvinia, M.S., Agha alikhani, M. and Naghadbadi, H.S. (2015). The effect of vermicompost manure and chemical fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative characteristics (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench). Scientific-Research Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 31(2):357-373.
Recycled Organics Unite. (2003). Buvers’s Guide for Recycled Organics Product Information sheet 5-6, Recycled standards. Recycled Organic Unite, internet organics s. product categories and publication www.recycledorganics.com
Tahami Zarandi, SM.K., Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Jahan. M. (2014). Effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on growth indexes basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Journal of Agroecology. 5(4):363-372.
Tahami Zarandi, SM.K., Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Jahan, M. (2010). Comparison the effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on yield and essential oil percentage of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Journal of Agroecology. 2(1):70-82.
Taher, T., Golchin, A., Shafiei, S., and Sayfzadeh, S. (2013). Effect of nitrogen and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on growth and quantitative traits of tuberose (Polianthes tuberose L.). Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. 4(16):41-50.