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    Guidelines for Submitting a Manuscript for Review

    In accordance with the requirements of the Organization of Scientific Publications of Iran, authors are required to register and display a free ORCID ID and academic email address when submitting articles. Therefore, authors are requested to obtain an ORCID researcher ID and academic email before submitting their manuscripts to the journal.

    To obtain an ORCID ID, please visit: https://orcid.org.

    The corresponding author must be a member of the academic staff. Articles must be written by the corresponding author or accompanied by their written confirmation letter; otherwise, the manuscript will not be reviewed.


    1) Style of Manuscripts for Review

    Initial Submission: Use the provided Template (Word, PDF) for initial submission (without authors' names). The manuscript should not exceed 10 pages.

    Final Submission: Use the final submission template after acceptance (with authors' names). Manuscripts exceeding 10 pages will incur additional charges.

    Formatting Requirements:

    Manuscripts should be typed in a two-column format using a 12-point Times New Roman font with 2.5 cm margins on standard A4 paper.

    Divide the manuscript into sections and subsections as necessary.

    Submit manuscripts electronically in Word format (.doc), ensuring the file size is under 10 MB.

    For a fair review process, author names and affiliations must remain anonymous in submitted manuscripts.


    2) Peer Review Process

    The journal employs a web-based submission portal for peer review. All manuscripts are treated as confidential and reviewed by at least two anonymous experts in the field.


    3) Language Requirements

    Since published papers are accessed internationally, manuscripts must be written in proper English. Authors whose native language is not English should have their papers proofread by a native English speaker. Submissions with poor English will be rejected without review.


    4) References

    References should follow the IEEE Referencing Style:

    Order: Persian sources should be listed first, followed by English sources, sorted alphabetically by the first author's last name (and subsequently by year if needed).

    Format: Include reference numbers in brackets [#] within the text.


    Journal Article (Abbreviated Title): G. Liu, K.Y. Lee, and H.F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications," IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695–701, June 1997.

    Book (Single Author): W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135.

    Conference Paper (Online): P.H.C. Eilers and J.J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities," Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 623–628, March 2004. [Online]. Available: www.oxfordjournals.org.


    5) Statement of Originality & Publication Agreement

    Authors must download and sign the "Authorship" form when submitting to Intelligent Multimedia Processing and Communication Systems (IMPCS).

    Copyright Notice: The journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Authors must transfer Copyright to IMPCS upon acceptance.


    6) Plagiarism Check

    Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and includes:

    Copying text directly from another source without proper citation or quotation marks.

    Presenting another person's ideas or theories as your own.

    Using someone else's technical or digital work without acknowledgment.

    Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection tools like EduBirdie before submission to ensure originality.

    The IMPCS journal uses iThenticate (https://www.ithenticate.com/) for plagiarism detection; similarity should not exceed 30%.


    Guidelines for Final Manuscript Submission

    Once accepted for publication, authors will be notified by the editorial board to prepare their final manuscript according to specific requirements:

    Include author biographies and photos in the final manuscript.

    Save the file in MS Word format (.doc) under 10 MB.

    Submit all figures, tables, equations, and captions clearly formatted.

    The preferred manuscript length is 10 pages, although longer submissions may be accepted with additional fees.


    Required Files for Submission

    Authors must upload five essential files through the manuscript submission system:


    Main manuscript file (without author names).

    Title page in the prescribed format.

    Authorship form (signed by all authors).

    Conflict of Interest form (signed by the corresponding author).

    Cover letter.


    Article Publication Fee

    The article publication fee in the Intelligent Multimedia Processing and Communication Systems (IMPCS) is as follows:

    Up to 10 pages: 2000,000 Iranian Tomans

    10-15 pages 50,000 Iranian Tomans

    Maximum number of pages allowed: 15 pages


    Please note: These fees are subject to change without prior notice. Authors are advised to check the journal's website for the latest fee information.


    Additional notes:

    The publication fee covers the cost of copyediting, typesetting, and online publication.

    Payments can be made by online payment.