Identifying and prioritizing indicators affecting the development of small and medium enterprises by using the combination: ISM and ANP.
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Yousef Radmanesh
Akbar Valizadeh Oghani
Maryam Ooshak Saraie
1 - PhD Candidate in Industrial Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Sarab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sarab, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: Effective indicators, small and medium manufacturing enterprises (SME), interpretive structural modeling (ISM).,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to provide a practical model for prioritizing the factors affecting the development of (SMEs) in industrial towns, emphasizing the interpretive structural modeling approach. The results of the current research reveal the status of active (SMEs) in East Azerbaijan in the direction of further development and growth of these units according to the effective criteria, for their better management. identified, and then with the help of the VOXA questionnaire, it was exposed to the judgment of knowledgeable experts in the industry, until the strategic factors were identified with the help of MICMAC analysis and Matlab software, and the research results indicated that In the 3-round Delphi technique, factors such as: Cultural factors and sanctions. Development of infrastructure and technology. Availability of raw materials. Safety and well-being of employees are identified. Other results show that the analysis of Mikmek can be done in terms of influence and dependence on the following criteria: - innovation in human resources (C1), - time management (C4), - use of resources (C5), - core competitor (C6) and - initial capital (C9) which are dependent type mentioned. The rest of the criteria are of the interface type, these variables have high dependence and high guiding power, and in the last step to determine the weight and rank of the criteria with the ANP method, in this section, based on the results of the ISM method, which is the internal relationship between the criteria, to determine their weight and rank It was done using ANP method.
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