Designing and explaining the human resource risk management model of Iranian government organizations
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationamir hossien amir khani 1 * , mehdi ebrahimifar 2 , reza najari 3 , mojtaba rafiei 4
1 - Dr. Amir Hossein Amirkhani - Associate Professor, Payame Noor University
2 - PhD student at Payame Noor University
3 - Associate Professor Payame Noor University
4 - Associate Professor Payame Noor University
Keywords: Dimensions of human resource risk management, Stakeholders, Human resource risk management model, Organizational risk management, Risk,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this study is to design a model appropriate to Iranian government organizations by identifying risk components to measure and provide solutions to deal with identified risks. Method: Survey research method has been used. The present research is exploratory research in nature; Because it addresses an issue that has not been addressed in this way and at this level before. For this purpose, we use a hybrid approach, which aims to combine quantitative and qualitative research methods to achieve a suitable method to achieve research objectives. Findings: Human resource risk components based on the division of Ernst & Young Institute into four groups; Strategic-operational-financial and compliance segregation and using Delphi technique and expert point of view 33 risk factors were extracted and then using a structured questionnaire in a government organization, risk components and severity And the probability of occurrence of each component was evaluated. After confirmatory factor analysis, pairwise comparisons of components and extraction of component weights were performed and finally the level of risk-taking of the studied organization in relation to each of the components was determined.