Integrated banking model of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) based on the customer needs in company, private, minor and commercial dimensions
Subject Areas : Public Policy In AdministrationDavod Abdi 1 , Mehdi Moradi 2 * , Lorens AnviehTekieh 3
1 - University of miana
2 - Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University and Head Master of Peyam Nour Mianeh Center.
3 - Assistant Professor Of Azad University of Mianeh
Keywords: Customer Needs, thematic analysis, Experts in Banking Industry, Bank Melli Iran, Comprehensive Banking,
Abstract :
The present study aims to describe the dimensions of comprehensive banking model of Bank Melli Iran based on the customer needs. This research was conducted using the qualitative case study methodology. The target group of this study included 18 experts in banking industry with the work experience of above 10 years in Bank Melli of Iran in 2018. The qualitative data were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The comprehensive banking model based on the customer needs was extracted in Bank Melli of Iran based on the results of this study; the purpose of this model was to address challenges in the areas of the financial resources, human resources, processes, and customers; some strategies to achieve this purpose include: making adjustments to the severe monitoring system in the area of banking laws and regulations, the need for diverse levels of funding to secure capital in big banks, using the competitive conditions in banking industry (including the digitalization) as an opportunity, proper use of communication technology to meet the diverse needs of customers.