Identifying socio-cultural indicators of interactional coaching at the Ministry of Sport and Youth
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administrationabrisham rashidzadeh davan 1 * , mohamad ataei 2 , mahdi alvani 3 , naser hamidi 4
1 - qazvin islamic azad university
2 - qazvin islamic azad university
3 - qazvin islamic azad university
4 - qazvin islamic azad university
Keywords: fuzzy, forward looking, learning, crisis solving, Interactional coaching,
Abstract :
Despite the definitions that have always shown coaching as an interactive relationship, most of the previous research in this area focuses on identifying the characteristics of the coach, and the role of coachee and the impact of coaching context and approach in this interactive relationship remain unknown.the purpose of this study is to identify socio-cultural indicators of interactional coaching.The type of research is fundamental and research method is descriptive (non-experimental). In a socio-cultural context, with forward looking approach, interactional coaching is effective when coach performs a decent practice based on God's ethic and command, the coachee performs the action in accordance with the beliefs, values and culture of the community. In learning approach, the coach uses experience and training to train the individual, coachee uses applied education for the purpose of use. In crisis solving approach, the coach moves forward the concepts of conversation and discussion, making it easy for coachee to express his views and opinions.The results show that the most important socio-cultural indicators of interactional coaching in the forward looking approach is focusing on ethics, in the learning approach focusing on education, and in crisis solving is focusing on counseling.