Cultivating Aesthetic and Creative thinking through Digital games: a systematic review
Subject Areas :Amir Hossein Amooeirazani 1 , حسین زنگنه 2 , Hassan Zokhtareh 3
1 - Educational Technology, Humanity, Bu-Ali Sina University
2 - گروه تکنولوژی دانشگاه بوعلی سینا همدان
3 - Department of French Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University
Keywords: Aesthetic thinking, Creative thinking, Digital game.,
Abstract :
This research seeks to provide a framework for cultivating aesthetic and creative thinking through digital games based on flow theory, children's creative thinking analysis theory, and Markovich's model. This research was conducted using a systematic review method using the Prisma (2020) guidelines in ProQuest, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, Wiley Online Library, and ScienceDirect databases. Although 995 articles were identified, 20 articles met the selected criteria. Some authors argue that aesthetic and creative thinking are closely related. Whereas creative thinking, production of novel ideas and aesthetic thinking emphasizes specific cognitive reaction senses. Also, every feature of digital games leads to the improvement of one or more components of aesthetic and creative thinking. These findings have important implications for educators and game developers who seek to design games that lead to the improvement of aesthetic and creative thinking. These findings have important implications for educators and game developers who seek to design games that lead to the improvement of aesthetic and creative thinking. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of digital games in cultivating aesthetic and creative thinking depends on the quality of the game design, the context of use, and the individual characteristics of the players. More research is needed to discover these factors and examine the long-term effects of digital games on students' creativity and aesthetic development.
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