Explaining the Pattern of Deployment of E-learning Professionals Based on Technology Adoption and Information Literacy of Managers
Subject Areas : Educational management
Foziyah Salari Jaeini
Amineh Ahmadi
ghodsi ahghar
1 - Department of Educational Management, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Islan, Iran.
2 - Azad University of South Tehran
3 - Research and Planning Organization Research Institute
Keywords: Professional e-learning, Organizational acceptance of Technology, Planning Perspectives, Advocacy-Relationship Conditions,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design a model for deploying managers 'professional e-learning environments based on managers' acceptance of information technology and literacy. The research method was applied in terms of purpose; in terms of data type, mixed (qualitative-quantitative) with sequential exploration strategy and in terms of data collection, descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study included all managers of Bandar Abbas Municipality who were selected by stratified random sampling method. In this study, data collection was done by library method, and a researcher-made questionnaire (quantitative section), which confirmed the validity of the interview, and its reliability was calculated by the reliability of the two coders, indicating the reliability and validity of the interview, It was found. The validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by face validity, content and structure and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In this study, two qualitative and quantitative parts were used for data analysis. In the qualitative part, the interview results were coded and in the quantitative part, descriptive and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor modeling and t-statistic) were used
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