Represent a Model for Managing the Educational Social Network
Subject Areas : Educational managementEbrahim Mohammadlou 1 * , Afsaneh Zamanie Moghaddam 2
1 - Ph.D. Student of Educational Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: learning, Management, Social Networking, blended space, educational social network,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to represent a model for managing the educational social network. The methodology of this research is applied in terms of purpose, is descriptive-correlational (non-experimental) in terms of procedure, and is cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population consists of 480 senior masters from Ministry of Education in 2015. The statistical sample was calculated 205 people using Cochran Formula and selected through random sampling method. Data collection was done by the researcher-made questionnaire comprising 67 questions. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the university elites point of view after the t test and correlation coefficient were applied. The factor analysis method of the main components confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α=0.854). To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics including Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t test and factor analysis were used. The final model was extracted from the AMOS software using structural equations of maximum likelihood method. The results showed that the standard coefficients between the hidden variables of the management model and the obvious variables of the social network structure is 0.85 and the obvious variables of the learning construct is 0.87 which showed high importance of these variables in the formation of the model and the standard coefficient between the variables of the model and the evident structural variables management is 0.40 which indicates the acceptability of these variables. These coefficients are significant with a confidence level of P<0.001. The fitting component of the model depicted that all indicators are in the desired domain. Therefore, the hypothesized model is fitted with empirical data, and the research model is thus confirmed.
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Larsson, N., & Hedlund, A. (2012). Teachers work environment in web based education. Next Generation Learning Conference. Falun, Sweden: Dalarna University Sweden.
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Razavi, S. (2013). Fall of modern management. Administrative Culture and Behavior, 1(2), 2-4. (in Persian).
Rincón, J., & Sandoval, J. (2014). Use of social networks, a path to training in blended learning community. Third International Conference on Informatics & Applications. Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
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Rodriguez-Tejedo, I., Lara, S., Zarraga-Rodriguez, M., & Rodriguez-Chacon, V. (2012). An assessment of the impact of social networks on collaborative learning at college level. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, 1616-1621.
Saeedabadi, R. (2008). Presenting proper cultural framework for it development in education system. Educational Sciences, 1(1), 199-226. (in Persian).
Saeedi, A. (2006). Necessity for E-learning training culture. Social Sciences, 3(9), 42-43. (in Persian).
Saeedipour, B., & Safari, E. (2012). The realization of the goals of education in the first and second life. A high-level conference on studying of different aspects of second life. Paper Presented at the Proceedings of Study of Dimensions of Second Life, (Iran),Institute of Information and Communication Technology (SID). (in Persian).
Seif, A. (2008). New educational psychology (6th ed). Tehran: Doran Publications. (in Persian).
Sepehri, M. M., & Riahi, A. (2011). Applying social network analysis to extract the needs of knowledge management system in knowledge-based organizations. Science and Technology Policy, 3(2), 81-92. (in Persian).
Shaarepour, M. (2009). The role of social networks in the reproduction of educational inequality. Education, 170, 91. (in Persian).
Soleymani, N., Shabani, A., & Rajaeipoor, S. (2013). Postmodern management in the libraries of medical sciences university. Management and Health Information, 1(29), 55-66. (in Persian).
Song, W., & Forsman, A. (2012). Building a learning architecture: E-learning and e-services. Conference Proceedings: Next Generation Learning Conference, Falun, Sweden.
Tabatabian, H., Bamdad Sufi, J., Taghva, M., & Asadifard, R. (2011). The typology of managerial structures in formal networks of IT cooperation in Iran: Multicast Study. Science and IT Policy, 3, 64. (in Persian).
Taherpour, F., Rajaeipour, S., & Jamshidian, A. R. (2009). Post-modernism in Management. Tadbir, 200, 14-18. (in Persian).
The Group of Authors. (2011). UNESCO ICT competency framework for teachers (Vol. 2). (P. Hine, Ed.) 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 PARIS 07 SP: UNESCO.
Zaidieh, A. J. (2012). The use of social networking in education: challenges and opportunities. World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), 2(1), 18-21.