The Effect of Violent Computer Games on Students' Aggression
Subject Areas : psycologyKhalil Ghaffari 1 * , Seyed Saeid Hosieni 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Gharmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gharmsar, Iran
2 - Lecturer, Department of Educational Sciences, Aligudarz Center, Payame Noor University, Aligudarz, Iran
Keywords: aggression, violent computer games, Aligudarz city,
Abstract :
The present study aimed at comparing the aggression of students using violent computer games and other elementary school students in Aligudarz. The research employed causal-comparative method in which the researcher compared the effects of using violent computer games on aggression of students. The population of the present study was 3908 male elementary school students in Aligudarz during 2015-16. 50 students were randomly selected from four schools and then Eysenck's aggression test, with 29 equivocal questions were provided to them. To test the research hypothesis, independent t test was used at the significance level of 0.05. Results showed a significant difference between the means of study. In other words, using violent computer games significantly affected aggression level of male elementary students in Aligudarz and a significant difference was observed between users and non- users.Also, the results showed that more than half of the users of these games tend to play violent computer games and tend to play these games individually. In addition, the findings showed that group use had a greater effect on aggression.
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Hasan, Y., Begue, L., Scharkow, M., & Bushman, B. J. (2013). The more you play, the more aggressive you become: A long-term experimental study of cumulative violent video game effects on hostile expectations and aggressive behavior. Experimental Social Psychology, 49(2), 23-37.
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Khalatbari, J., Ghorbanshiroudi, S., Mobaleghi, N. (2010). Comparing the effectiveness of the self assertiveness training and problem solving on the aggression and adaoptation in students. Educational Psychology, 1(3), 93-108. (in Persian).
Kosari, M. (2010). Game age. Tehran: New open publication. (in Persian).
Mitrophan, O., Paul, M., & Spencer, N. (2009). Is aggression in children with behavioural and emotional difficulties associated with television viewing and video game playing? A systematic review. Child Care Health Dev, 35(1), 87-99.
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Rioti Kavashimi, (2007). Effect of computer games on brain reaction and other mental activities in children (age 8-11). Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 895, 1-6.
Shaffer, M. G. (2007). Review of pshycological foudumental violent computer games in textbook students in primary schools in Hong Kong education. Experimental Social Psychology, 42(3), 87-101.
Shahroodi, T. (2009). Childs, adolescences and mothers, review attitudes about social effects computer games. M.S. Thesis, Karaj Islamic Azad University. (in Persian).