The Role of Native and Local Identity in Promoting Creative City Branding (Case Study: Rasht City)
Subject Areas : urbanismAliakbar Salaripour 1 * , Arman Hamidi 2 , Mohammad Nouripour Sadhi 3 , Mohammad Hossein Maqrour Porkar Abatari 4 , Erfan Khani Kolsarki 5
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Guilan University.
2 - Ph.D Candidate, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Gilan University.
3 - M.A. in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Gilan University.
4 - M.A. in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Gilan University.
5 - M.A. in Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Gilan University.
Keywords: Urban branding, Native identity, Creative city, Tourism, Rasht City,
Abstract :
The aim of the present research is to identify the most effective indigenous identity components in order to brand the creative city of Rasht. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical, and data collection was done through a survey. Five (5) indicators were extracted from the theoretical foundations. The statistical population in this research was the tourists of Rasht City. In calculating the sample size, Cochran's formula was used, and its number was calculated as 384. Also, the information obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS3 software. The findings of the research indicate that the average of all indicators is higher than the average (number 3), and among them, natural attractions and food culture had the highest averages, making them more attractive to tourists. In this regard, according to the averages obtained for all research subjects, the level of interest in the natural attractions of this city and choosing this city as a tourist destination is of the utmost importance considering its tourist attractions and it has been assigned to itself among tourists. On the other hand, the results of modeling and the impact of the indicators mentioned in this research on the branding of Rasht City indicate the importance and high impact of the food culture of this area on the branding of Rasht City. Based on this, in order to promote the branding of the creative city, after the index of food culture, native customs have the greatest effect on branding, and then local architecture and urbanism are also placed in the next place of influence on the branding of Rasht City; in contrast to the natural attractions of this city, due to its very low route coefficient, it has a very small effect on the branding of this city, which is very significant from the point of view of tourists, despite the high capacity of natural attractions, due to not paying enough attention to the natural capacities of the city, this index does not have much effect on the branding of the city of Rasht. Since the city of Rasht has been mentioned as a creative city of food and food and this title is considered as a brand of the city, it was determined by the surveys conducted in the field of branding index that the citizens consider the city of Rasht worthy of this title. They know the brand, but the brand of the destination has not been a reason for them to visit. Also, in the investigation of the index of the local custom, according to the statistical results, although this component is known as the main symbol of the city after the natural attractions, the level of familiarity with the customs and The customs of the city is at a low level, which can be concluded that the management of the city of Rasht has performed poorly in introducing and presenting a favourable image of the native and cultural components of the city at the national level.
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