Assessment of Tehran Beasat Thermal Power Plant Reuse Potential, Based on Adaptive Reuse Potential (ARP) Model
Subject Areas : architectureMohammad Pourebrahimi 1 * , Seyed Rahman Eghbali 2 , Hassan Ghafori Fard 3
1 - PhD. candidate of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development , Imam Khomeini International University
2 - Associate Professor, Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam Khomeini International University.
3 - Professor, Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology.
Keywords: Adaptive reuse, Fossil fuel power plant, Adaptive reuse potential (ARP) Model, Useful life, Obsolescence,
Abstract :
Many buildings experience demolition while a significant part of their physical and structural life is still remain. Such buildings usually became abandoned before the end of their physical life as a result of various factors, such as the inability to meet the new requirements and expectations. In such circumstances, adaptive reuse can have significant benefits compared to demolish and new construction. Demolition has some disadvantages, including waste of building embodied energy, building waste generation, use of new sources and greenhouse gas emissions as a result of new construction. Unlike demolition, adaptive reuse approach avoids the lavish process of demolition and new construction. Adaptive reuse approach can lead to materials waste reduction, maximum use of materials, embodied energy saving, time saving, economic saving, avoiding of overuse of resources and lands and preserve them for future generations. But the reuse of existing buildings need appropriate study and evaluating. Adaptive Reuse Potential (ARP) model through measuring building reuse potential and determining the best time to intervene for the reuse of building turns to an effective tool for decision-making in this area. Adaptive reuse potential (ARP) Model, which was introduced in 2007 by Professor Craig Langston, has a generic application to all countries. Adaptive reuse potential model (ARP) needs data such as the building physical life, current age of the building and building predicted useful life. Actually the useful life of a building is different from its physical life and there maybe buildings losing their utility because of obsolescence, years before the end of their physical life. This model uses 7 types of obsolescence includes, physical, economic, functional, technical, social, legal and political. A scale of 0–20% is used to assess obsolescence vulnerability, where 0% means it is effectively immune and 20% means it is significantly exposed. Adaptive reuse potential model (ARP) output is some indexes as percentage. ARP index more than 50% indicates high adaptive reuse potential, 20% to 50% indicates medium potential for reuse and ARP index below 20% indicates low potential for adaptive reuse. On the one hand, Fossil fuel power plants have valuable features for adaptive reuse, including large open internal spaces, solid structures, large and valuable tracts of land, existing infrastructure, interesting architecture features, historic preservation interest, and landmarks for a new generation. On the other hand, due to large scale of fossil fuel power plants, their demolition can cost a lot and cause waste generation and waste of embodied energy. New construction also involves the use of significant resources and land. Also given to greenhouse gas emissions by these power plants, determination of the useful life, potential and the best time for reuse are very important. Adaptive reuse potential (ARP) model is a useful tool in this regard. This paper assessed the adaptive reuse potential of Tehran Beasat power plant, based on Adaptive reuse potential (ARP) model. So, the Adaptive reuse potential (ARP) model has been studied through the practical application and meanwhile calculating the reuse potential of the power plant the obtained results are discussed and analyzed.
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