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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Efforts of American missioners for Converting Nestorians'Religion (In Mohammad Shah and Nassereddin Shah Qajar era)
        Hossein Ahmadi
        The American protestant missioners that had entered in Iran in late ofFathali Shah Qajar reign, started their religion mission oriented toconvert Uremia inhabitants to Protestantism once learned some dialectsof north west region of Iran.Since, the Russians backed Armeni More
        The American protestant missioners that had entered in Iran in late ofFathali Shah Qajar reign, started their religion mission oriented toconvert Uremia inhabitants to Protestantism once learned some dialectsof north west region of Iran.Since, the Russians backed Armenians and the French boosted Catholics,the Americans missioners, at first, did not show a considerable measurein order to attract these two religious groups . Since the Nestorians didnot enjoyed of any foreign groups, the American missioners, with a hugecapital and the protection of British embassy in Tehran, started their vastteaching by Nestorians of Uremia .This paper tries, by using the records of Iran ministry of foreign affaires,to show the conversion of Nestorians religion by the Americanmissioners in Mohammad Shah period and early Nassereddin Shah Qajarreign . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Zoroa cube ( Zoroaster kaabe) and the historical importance of shapur I rock relief.
        amir Akbari
        One of the most important building in Nagsh _e_ Rustan near Persepoliswhich is very important from historical and religious aspects is the cubeof Zoroaster. Although the cube of Zoroaster is dated to achaemenidperiod but shapur I and kartirs rock reliefs on the wall of More
        One of the most important building in Nagsh _e_ Rustan near Persepoliswhich is very important from historical and religious aspects is the cubeof Zoroaster. Although the cube of Zoroaster is dated to achaemenidperiod but shapur I and kartirs rock reliefs on the wall of that building isvery important to recognize the sassanid period .the trilingual inscriptionof shapur I. in acids Pahlavi sassanian Pahlavi, creek give us preciousinformation’s abut sassanian period.The inscription has the most complete information about sassanidauthority , descriptions of Iran and Rome wars, titles of honor and postsin sassanid court. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Commercial Roads in Ilkhanid Era
        Razavi saied Abolfazl
        As the result of the centralization of the power, security. And thehegemony established by the ilkhanids; the grounds of commercialflourishment were prepared and the urban economy in many significantsections of their territory started development. The commercialdevelopm More
        As the result of the centralization of the power, security. And thehegemony established by the ilkhanids; the grounds of commercialflourishment were prepared and the urban economy in many significantsections of their territory started development. The commercialdevelopment in the ilkhanid era, being directly connected with theMongol might in their vast empire, embodied the development of thecommercial routs in this era. In this period of history, commercialactivities in both land and sea routs bloomed significantly. The main partof the commercial activities was along "the Silk Road" and "the SpiceRoad". Mongols had a particular consideration for the commercial routsand being concerned with the importance of commerce, they werediligent to help them secure. More than one fourth of the ilkhanidgovernment income was required from trades as commerce' therefore,diligent effort an the further flourishment of the commercial routes wasonly natured. The subject of this study is to survey the situation of somepart of the commercial routes in the ilkhanid era which set the ground forcommercial relations with the land out of their jurisdiction. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - study on land reformations law in iran
        Fayyaz Zahed
        Land reform policies are generally advocated as an effort to eradicatefood insecurity and rural poverty, often with utilitarian (i.e., "the greatestgood for the greatest number"), philosophical or religious arguments, aright to dignity, or a simple belief that justice r More
        Land reform policies are generally advocated as an effort to eradicatefood insecurity and rural poverty, often with utilitarian (i.e., "the greatestgood for the greatest number"), philosophical or religious arguments, aright to dignity, or a simple belief that justice requires a policy of "land tothe tiller". However, many of these arguments conflict with prevailingnotions of property rights in most societies and states. Implementationsof land reform generally raise questions about how the members of thesociety view the individual's rights and the role of government. Startingin the 1960s and continuing into the 1970s, the Iranian government, atthe shah's initiative, undertook a broad program designed to improveeconomic and social conditions. Land reform was a major priority. In aneffort to transform the feudal peasant-landlord agricultural system, thegovernment purchased estates and sold the land to the people; it alsodistributed large tracts of crown land. In the Jan., 1963, referendum, thevoters overwhelmingly approved the shah's extensive plan for furtherland redistribution, compulsory education, and a system of profit sharingin industry; the program was financed by the selling of governmentowned factories to private.investors. Within three years, 1.5 millionformer tenant farmers were plot owners. Land reform in Iran wasexecuted with a view of attaining stability in politics. In Iran the landreform policies were introduced, not to address the problems of theagricultural workers, at least in the initial stages. During the the year1963, the economy was in doldrums. The economic anomalies andconsequent political unrest had to be addressed to immediately. Landreform in Iran was successful to a great extent in bringing the economyback on the tracks. As per norms, under land reform, large stretches ofland were converted into smaller set ups. The land reform in Iran wasbacked by the United States of America. The failure of land reform infailed due to the fact that the interests of the local people were not takeninto consideration. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - From narration to historiography in west
        MohammadNabi Salim
        How does history the human activity to recognize its identity and todescrip word write? Is history a boring circulation of narrations or it is anacknowledgement of human intellectual activates? To deeply understandhistories we should observe how history is written? This More
        How does history the human activity to recognize its identity and todescrip word write? Is history a boring circulation of narrations or it is anacknowledgement of human intellectual activates? To deeply understandhistories we should observe how history is written? This article is tryingto clarify the quality of historiography changes in Europe to prove thathow historiography changed from narrations to social and civilizationanalyzing and from dictatorship view turned to democracy point of view.This article is divided into different parts and study on the mostimportant historiography period in Europe and west from ancient wordGreece and Rome to earliest schools in 20th century. In this article thehistory of European historiography is studied and by compare eastern andwestern historiography it will be helpful to clarify the weaknesses ofresearch in Iran contemporary history. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - an introduction to Muslims economical activities in egpt in 4th and 5th century
        Mosayeb Abasi
        As a country with old civilization , Egpt was always the point of attentimfor invaders. Economical and commercial situation of egpt attractedpower full nations toward that area. Ancient government of Iran , Greek– Rome and Islamic government be lived that area is More
        As a country with old civilization , Egpt was always the point of attentimfor invaders. Economical and commercial situation of egpt attractedpower full nations toward that area. Ancient government of Iran , Greek– Rome and Islamic government be lived that area is the lead key ofAfrica and Europe canguor. Fertility of lands Niel River ad prots likEskandrieh made proper situation for economical growth and introducedEgpt as important country in Mediterranean.With the arrival of Muslims in to that country and the establishment ofIslamic governments, Muslims could engage in economical commercialand even cultural affairs. in this article Egpt economical situation and itsplace in Mediterranean economic is being studied and it aims to itraducea view of Muslims economic activities in that country during 4th and 5thcentury Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Study on shiism and Sufism places in safavids policy
        Yosef Motavali Haghighi
        Safavids were the first Iran's government (kingdom) who could made anImportand and useful combination between shi ism and safism and setupthir government an it. These two important elements had a determiningrole in different political issues such as, military, economic, More
        Safavids were the first Iran's government (kingdom) who could made anImportand and useful combination between shi ism and safism and setupthir government an it. These two important elements had a determiningrole in different political issues such as, military, economic, religious andin all their government aspects shiism as the most important thought ofsafavids government made wide changes in Iran sociely. Althoughsafavids kings religious behaviors with shiism and the scholars weren’tthe same ,like dismiss . of fagraup of Iranian shiit scholars and Invitationof scholars jibah Amel in lebonan JiB ALAMEL scholers tried toset upthe Ideas of shiit government in Iran. But soon they understonded thatthe main point in their invidatian was to firm the polidical life of shi itkings.Though they never stoped trying to gain control over palidical power andthey could gain power during some weals safavid kings.The net wery important element in safavid king power after shi ism wasSufism. Befor safavids use shi ism for their political aims they were sufi.And after that they tried to gain material power through Sufism thoughtsand it got faster whe timur (goorlcani) sat free a group of ttoman(osmanlis) slaves to khoeh ali. Safavid sufies whom absolutely obeyedtheir masters were the most important weapon for safavids in gainingpower. Although some times after safavid dynasty sat up, the ill_use ofsome suflism radical thought caused tensions between safavid kings andsufids. To solve and decrease these ten sions safavid rulers decreasedtheir connections with masters and that in long term causes the weaknessof sufids and consguently caused the weakness of safavids. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - the intraction of governments and sunni scholars in the establishment of the lawfulness for the government
        M. Mahdavian
        The lawfulness or lack of lawfulness of the governments in the Muslemworld is one of the important theoretical discussions of Muslem scholarsand thinkers . Each of the diverse parties has investigated lawfulnessfrom its own point of view. The establishment of lowfulness More
        The lawfulness or lack of lawfulness of the governments in the Muslemworld is one of the important theoretical discussions of Muslem scholarsand thinkers . Each of the diverse parties has investigated lawfulnessfrom its own point of view. The establishment of lowfulness for thegovernment has been a great concern for governers.Most of the Sunni scholars have selected to fix the current situation andadvocated the Caliphate and current governments with the subterfuge ofpreventing divirgences and civilwars . In this article, it has been tried toclarify the thought divergence between Sunnis and Shiite aboutgovernment with regard to some of the thoughtful bases of Sunnischorars.It can be maintained that Sunni scholars have always advocatedCaliphate and the contemporary governments and havenot intendedestablish an ideal government ; wheres the Shiite have always been inthe direction of establishing an ideal government on the bases of Shiitecriteria. Manuscript profile