social status of women In the transition from pre-Islam to Umayyads
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researchmahmood rezvanikia 1 , Mohammadnabi Salim, 2 * , Ahmad Ashrafi 3
1 - Islamic Azad University of Sharood، Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahroud, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Keywords: Women, Pre-Islamic era, Umayyad period, social and economic rights,
Abstract :
According to historical evidences, women in pre-Islamic Arab society enjoyed the same status and rights as other women in ancient tribal societies. When the light of Islam shone on the Arab society, the ground was set for the promotion of the social status of women, but with the rise of the Umayyads, ignorant thoughts promoted and women were once again threatened and harmed by the patriarchal and traditional society.The present study is based on the hypothesis that "the revival of ethnic and pagan values in the Umayyad era was effective in changing the status of women from the ideal of Islam to the status of the pre-Islamic era" Historically valid to discuss how and why the revival of ethnic and pagan values in the Umayyad era and its impact on the status of women in the change from the ideal of Islam to the status of the pre-Islamic era.The result of the research shows that although Islam and were something beyond ethnic and tribal issues, but in the traditional Arab society, it was understood within the framework of tribal values and rules and became the basis of social, political and economic action. With the coming to power of the Umayyads, the pagan Arab prejudices became more apparent. The return of last era in aspects of Muslim life, especially the decline of women's status in society and the family due to the disruption of the deepening process of Islamic culture after the Prophet (PBUH) was one of its consequences.