Presenting a Framework for the Presence of Nature in Architecture Based on Systems Thinking
Subject Areas :
Architecture and urbanism
Minou Gharebaglou
Laleh Reshad
1 - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz
2 - PhD in Islamic Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran
Received: 2020-10-10
Accepted : 2021-08-22
Published : 2022-09-23
Systematic Thinking,
Abstract :
Basis and Goal: This article presents a framework for the presence of nature in architecture based on systems thinking. The main question of this article is how to express the optimal relationship between nature and architecture based on systems thinking.
Methods: The research method has a descriptive-analytical and inferential nature, which has been done by the systems thinking method with the help of causal loop diagram.
Finding: Explaining a framework for the presence of nature in architecture based on systems thinking makes sense within the human-nature-architecture system. Based on the identification of human, nature and architecture subsystems, the dualities of human-architecture, human-nature and finally nature-architecture were identified as the main relationships in the system.
Discussion and Conclusion: Results indicate that the framework of the presence of nature in architecture, receives dwelling necessities from the human-architecture relationship and its epistemological goals from the human-nature relationship. Accordingly, during the human-technical-natural process, first, with the help of coexistence with nature in the form of understanding the capabilities of the natural context in the ecosystem-based epistemological system, interaction with the environment is realized. In the next step, using the approach of modeling nature in the form of learning from it and spatial and visual integration with nature leads to the formation of spatial and formal qualities in the body of architecture. All approaches in the epistemological structure of the approach of completing nature, with the aim of promoting human and nature in the direction of human goals and needs, lead to the realization of the matter of dwelling.
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Rincic, I., Muzur, A. 2015. In search of (lost) connection: organic architecture and bioethics The case of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). JAHR European Journal of Bioethics 6(2):1- 12.
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Yedekci, A.G. 2014. Biomimetic architecture a new interdisciplinary approach to architecture. Alam cipota 6(1):29-36.
Zamaniha, H. (2012). A Comparative Study on the existential relationship between man and world from Heidegger and Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint. Religious Anthroplogy, 9(27), 81-103. [In Persian]
Adeli, s. (2013). Nature and Architecture in Islamic Ontology,A survey on traditional houses of central plateau of Iran with emphasis on four houses in Yazd, Naeen and Kashan. Journal of Motaleate-e Tatbighi-e Honar,3(5):103. [In Persian]
Alexander,C.(2011). The Timeless Way of Building. Shahid Beheshti University Publication:Tehran. [In Persian]
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Brandell, J.R. 2014. Essentials of Clinical Social Work. New York: SAGE Publication.
Carayannis, E.G., Campbell, D. F. J., Rehman, S. S. 2016. mode 3 knowledge production: systems and systems theory, clusters and networks. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship5(17):
Cruz ,C. A. 2012.Wright's Organic Architecture: From Form Follow Function to Form and Function are One. W|C|B 17(32): 38-44.
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Dunlap, R.E., VanLiere, K.D., Mertig, A.G., Jones, R.E. 2000. Measuring Endorsement of the New Ecological Paradigm: A Revised NEP Scale. Journal of Social Issues 56(3):425–442.
Elmoghazy,E., Abd,Z,A. 2014. Neo-Organic Architecture: The latest trend in Architecture. Theory of Architecture Conference.At Istanbul: Turkey.
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Herzfeld, M., Lenhart, M.D. 1982. Semiotics 1980. Berlin: Springer.
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Hofkirchner,w.(2019).social relation : building on Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Systems Research and Behavioral Science.36(3):1-13.
Hojat, E (2013), Architecture teacher. How our architecture has emerged and how it educates us? Sooremag,69-68 :40-46. [In Persian]
Holst, J. 2014. Rethinking Dwelling and Building. On Martin Heidegger’s conception of Being as Dwelling and Jørn Utzon’s Architecture of Well-being, Zarch 2: 52-61.
Ismail.A,S., Rasdi.M,T,M. 2006. Frank Lloyd Wright’s ideology towards the formation of national architectural identity in Malaysia. Jurnal Alam Bina15(1):35-52.
Jones O. 2009. ‘Dwelling’. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 3: 266-272.
Kellert, R., Heerwagen. J., Martin, M. 2013 . Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life. New Jersey:Wiley.
Koc, Ç., Sonmez, M. 2017. The Architect of Today on The Edge of Chaos; An Approach Through Chaos Theory. Journal of Science 5(1):1-7.
Kordova, S., Frank, M. 2018. Systems Thinking as an Engineering Language. American Journal of Systems Science 6(1): 16-28.
Krčmářová.J. 2009. E.O. Wilson's concept of biophilia and the environmental movement in the USA. Klaudyán: Internet Journal of Historical Geography and Environmental History 6(1-2):4-17.
Larsen,I., Hohl ,M. 2015. Places as Language and Text: Christian Norberg-Schulz and Paul Ricoeur inspiring a framework for ethnographic Health research. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 5:121-132.
Mcdonald, G.W., Patterson, M.G. 2007. Bridging the divide in urban sustainability: from human exemptionalism to the new ecological paradigm. Urban Ecosystems10:169–192.
Monat, J. P. 2018. Explaining Natural Patterns Using Systems Thinking. American Journal of Systems Science 6(1): 1-15.
Monat, J. P., Gannon, T. F. 2015. what is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations. American Journal of Systems Science4(1):11-26.
Monat, J. p., Gannon, T.F. 2018. Applying Systems Thinking to Engineering and Design, Systems 6(34): 1-24.
Motloch,J,L.(2000). Introduction to landscape design, gardens and green spaces Organization:Tehran. [In Persian]
Mourshed, M., Kelliher, D., Keane, M. 2005. Green architecture: The need for climate analysis and thermal simulation during early stages of design. Global Built Environment Review 5(2):12-2.
Nes, A.V. 2008. The Heaven, the Earth and the Optic Array: Norberg-Schulz’s Place Phenomenology and its Degree of Operation ability. Delft Architecture Theory Journal 2(2):113-134.
Noghrekar, A, H. (2017). Human, Nature, Architecture. Payam Noor University: Tehran. [In Persian]
Ragheb, A., El-Shimy, H., Ragheb, G. 2016. green architecture: a concept of sustainability. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 216:778-787.
Reyna, C., Bressán, E., Mola, D., Belaus, A. 2018. Validating the Structure of the New Ecological Paradigm Scale among Argentine Citizens through Different Approaches. Pensamiento Psicológico 16(10):107-118.
Rincic, I., Muzur, A. 2015. In search of (lost) connection: organic architecture and bioethics The case of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959). JAHR European Journal of Bioethics 6(2):1- 12.
sharifzadeh, R., & MoghadamHeidari, G. (2015). Leaving the Dichotomy of Autonomous Technology and Technology as an Intermediary Based on Latour’s Point of View. Philosophy of Science, 5(9), 29-51. [In Persian]
Söderlund, J. Newman, P. 2015. Biophilic architecture: a review of the rationale and outcomes, AIMS Environmental Science 2(4):950-969.
Taghavi, M. (2013). Two alternative ideas for technology. Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18(73), 53-84. [In Persian]
Terzoglou, N.I. 2018. Architecture as Meaningful Language: Space, Place and Narrativity. Linguistics and Literature Studies 6(3):120-132.
Waelbers, K., Dorstewitz, P. 2013. Ethic in Actor Networks, or: What Latour Could Learn from Darwin and Denwey. Science and Engineering Ethics 20: 23-40.
Yedekci, A.G. 2014. Biomimetic architecture a new interdisciplinary approach to architecture. Alam cipota 6(1):29-36.
Zamaniha, H. (2012). A Comparative Study on the existential relationship between man and world from Heidegger and Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoint. Religious Anthroplogy, 9(27), 81-103. [In Persian]